ZINGTOBER Day23 | rust |

in Holozing Community21 hours ago (edited)

Hey Holo friends, I hope you're doing great. I was very busy today and couldn't post today's challenge earlier, but following the rules, here in Venezuela it's still the 23rd (it's 11:37 pm) so I'm within the allowed time. For today's prompt, which is 'Rust', I wanted to continue the story of our traveler. After traveling with his motorcycle but before encountering the stone dragon, for his surprise he came across a robot that seemed to be very old. It was chained up, covered in rust, and even trees had grown into what used to be its legs. It's believed that a long time ago, when technology for capturing creatures wasn't yet available, humans created robots to help them with captures, especially against the largest and fiercest beasts, the dragons that were previously thought to be larger. This robot, like many others, is abandoned, but this one, as if showing its will, never fell and remained standing. And the fact that they had to chain it up gives the feeling that perhaps this robot may have gained consciousness in some way, since the world of Holozing is a world full of magic and to defeat it, the solution was to chain it up since it never fell. I hope you like it.

Holo amigos, el dia de hoy estuve muy ocupado y no pude subir el reto del dia mas temprano, pero siguiendo las reglas, aca en Venezuela aun es el dia 23 (son las 11:37pm) asi que estoy dentro de lo permitido, espero esten muy bien, para el dia de hoy la propuesta es Rust y quise seguir la historia de nuestro viajero, luego de que estuviese viajando con su moto pero antes de encontrarse con el dragon de piedra, para su sorpresa se encontro con un robot que aparentaba ser algo antiguo, estaba encadenado, lleno de oxido e incluso unos arboles habian crecido en lo que serian sus piernas, se cree que hace tiempo, cuando aun no se tenia la tecnologia para atrapar a las criaturas, los humanos crearon unos robots para ayudarles en las capturas, sobre todo contra las bestias mas grandes y feroces, los dragones que anteriormente aparentaban ser mas grandes, este robot, como muchos otros estan abandonados, pero este, como mostrando su voluntad, nunca cayo y se mantuvo en pie, y el hecho que tuvieran que encadenarlo da la sensacion de que quiza, este robot pudo haber tomado consciencia de alguna manera ya que el mundo de holozing es un mundo lleno de magia y al lograr vencerlo la solucion fue encadenarlo ya que nunca cayo, espero les guste.





