the difference in regions with high death rate and low death rate is the number of respirators... half of the infected in US are in newyork which only has been granted 400 new respirators by trump since mayor of newyork is not very liked by trump... iran has difficulties getting respirators for sanction reasons... and germany produced since beginning of the year 10 000 new respirators... since hospitals filling up in germany the deathrate already doubled in germany from 0.2 originally in the beginning to 0.4 and you will see it rise once we run out of respirators, which will happen sooner or later...
you dont need to panic, but you need to show healthy respect to the virus... 80% of infected will only show mild symptoms, but even if u show mild or no symptoms, you should not go around spreading the disease... stay home because the virus is very very contagious and you dont actually know if you have the virus.... worry about your parents, do shopping for them and leave the shopping at their doorstep... they are the most endangered by the virus... dont physically visit them but visit them frequently over skype...
also i think germany is doing way too much testing. testing is not really changing the outcome of us having to go into lockdown. it might even get people infected who are going to the health practitioner to get tested.. i think germany should give more of their corona tests to countries that are in early stage of the epidemic... denmark stopped testing all together and everyone is working from home if they can... public institutions are all closed down...