Photographs of a beautiful owl

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago


Hoy les traigo otras hermosas fotos, estas son de un búho que se dejó fotografiar sin ningún problema, claro que trate de hacer poco ruido me acerque lo más que pude respetando su espacio, creo que posaba para mí, es un animal muy exótico su color de ojos y plumaje son muy llamativos, se puede apreciar una mirada muy intensa, este tipo de animales son muy solitarios además de ser nocturno dónde caza sus presas con el menor ruido posible
La verdad fue una sorpresa poder admirar su belleza

Today I bring you other beautiful photos, these are of an owl that allowed itself to be photographed without any problem, of course I tried to make little noise, I got as close as I could while respecting its space, I think it was posing for me, it is a very exotic animal, its color The eyes and plumage are very striking, you can see a very intense look, this type of animal is very solitary in addition to being nocturnal where it hunts its prey with as little noise as possible.
The truth was it was a surprise to be able to admire its beauty.







Las fotografías las tomé con mi teléfono redmi 10
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Los espero en un próximo contenido
Muchas bendiciones

I took the photographs with my Redmi 10 phone.
Thank you for visiting my blog
I'll wait for you in a future content
many blessings


The owl is very beautiful, I really like it

Yes, he is very cute and has a very striking look.