Visit 'Our Gardens' Community


Our Gardens Community is a space where you can share

Garden Photographs
Garden Stories
Garden Adventures
Garden Hints
Garden Tips

It can be your own garden or a garden you have visited - The idea is to share joy among HIVE users and post things of beauty Joy and nature

This community garden space is one that we can come to for visual Respite among the chatter

I encourage you to join the Our Garden Community and make this a vibrant place of beauty and wonder

I encourage all Community members to engage with each other in sharing your awe, your wonder, your sense of peace and your inner beauty

Come and share your space for everyone to enjoy

Click Here to join the 'Our Gardens' Community


I wish I could grow a garden worth photographing. I tried once and even a rabbit hopped right through it without stopping.

Lol at the rabbit :) Sometimes we are in a position where we cannot grow a garden but that does not stop us from appreciating others. I love wandering around the streets and looking at others gardens.