Kapljice vode koje odišu svežinom ~ Drops of water that exude freshness

in Picture A Day3 years ago
Misli da su najlepši snimci i fotografije sa vodom. Ova fontana se nalazi na trgu u mom gradu i leti je posebno prijatno sedeti pored nje, pošto sitne kapljice osvežavaju i čine okruženje još prijatnijim.He thinks that the most beautiful shots and photos are with water. This fountain is located on the square in my city and in summer it is especially pleasant to sit next to it, because small drops refresh and make the environment even more pleasant.


iStock Photo by @marimari142

Engleski nije moj maternji jezik, pa se izvinjavam ako ima grešaka u kucanju. Nadam se da me razumete.Pozdrav dragi moji prijatelji, vaša Mari!English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you understand me. Greetings dear my friends, your Mari!