Double DREEM and Featured Friday Frame Report #22!

in Ecency8 months ago

Our New Weekly Report and the Second Topic for our DREEMER of the Year Challenge is here!!

Hi, Dreemers!

How are all you Dreemers doing out there?

It is time for our 22nd weekly report on our Double DREEM Day and Featured Friday Frame fun!

First, let's announce the winners of our weekly Double DREEM Day and Featured Frame Friday!

Report #22 for Double DREEM Day and Featured Frame Friday!

So, let's go to our Double DREEM Day first and see which day was selected as Double DREEM Day and who received DOUBLE PAYMENT!

Double DREEM Day.

As you know by now, a random day is selected from the previous week every Monday.

Once that day is selected, every person who earned Dreem tokens for that day will earn double the amount of tokens for that day and the additional tokens will be transferred to their accounts.

Last week, our Random Double Dreem Day was... WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15!

Here is the data for the dreemers who logged in, curated, and earned. Your rewards have already been doubled and sent to your DreemPort balance!

Congratulations to the following people who received double rewards for taking action on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15.

@beeeee, @princessbusayo, @emreal, @beckyroyal, @cherryharryianne, @wongi, @wallay, @intishar, @fredaig, @quduus1, @adetemi, @ibbtammy, @luchyl, @hopestylist, @kingsleyy, @emrysjobber, @nkemakonam89, @treasuree, @mckane, @balikis95, @merit.ahama, @olujay, @jhymi, @zitalove, @glorydee, @b0s, @Cindynancy, @hamez, @samiwrites, @moclassic, @nwothini335, @graciousvic, @eunice9200, @julti1985, @rukkie, @jessicaossom, @dwixer, @kilvnrex, @winanda, @holler, @melz, @sommylove

Now...let's move on to Featured Friday...

Featured Friday.

Next up is Featured Friday!

Yes, one of our frames is randomly selected as the Featured Frame of the week every Friday.

Then, anyone who is WEARING the frame (active bearer) wins 250 DREEM! And those who HOLD the frame in their assets but are not wearing the frame (inactive bearers) - will win 100 DREEM. Easy as that!!!

The frame selected on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, was... the Encourager Frame!!


Active Bearers

Congratulations to the following people who were holding AND WEARING the ENCOURAGER frame on Friday, November 17!!

@blackdaisyft @blezyn @hopestylist @jessicaossom

Inactive Bearers:

Congratulations to the following people who were HOLDING (but not wearing) the ENCOURAGER frame on Friday, November 17!

@eylz619 @Khaleesii @iskafan @dreemsteem @deraaa @coquicoin @beeber @ifarmgirl @b0s @tengolotodo @ijohnsen @amberkashif @merit.ahama @samsmith1971 @adoore-eu @princessbusayo

So, there you have it! Here at DreemPort, it's all about having fun and we hope you're enjoying it!

Your New Challenge is here!

We plan on ending this year on a high note!!

Yes, the 6-week Dreemer of the Year 2023 challenge is here!!!

Read everything about the challenge in this post, HERE!!

It started on November 13, and it will be running through to December 22! Who will be the Dreemer of the Year this year??

According to the post as mentioned above, you can...

  • First, earn points by submitting VALID posts into DreemPort.
  • Second, earn points by participating in the CHALLENGE and submitting your posts according to the weekly topics

Your Challenge Topic For This Week.

your chance to change your life."I am sure that the topic for this week will get your attention. As @dreemsteem says in her post, "This is

And the topic for this week is...

Death-Defying DREEM Tools.

Get all the information you need about this topic in THIS POST!!

You need to name "the three tools you need to take the next step. Don't be general. Be specific to yourself and your dreem and your journey."

Submit your Challenge post for this week on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, by 5 pm PACIFIC.

Here is an Update on the 6-Week DREEMER of the Year and your Progress!

Good luck to you all for the DREEMER of the Year Challenge!!

As you know by now, you can earn points by submitting your posts to DreemPort.

Currently, you earn 1 point for each post you submit during this challenge, and you earn 2 points for every post you submit according to the weekly topics!

But, additional ways to earn points will be added as the challenge progresses. So watch this space.

This might end up as a separate post altogether to keep you updated as we move along!!

Currently, after just 1 week, it is still a close call, but the competition is on...LOL!

Let's have a look at your points...

We plan on showing you the Top 20 soon. So, I say again, watch this space to stay informed as soon as you can start earning points in more ways...

In the meantime...


Stay well, stay safe, and DREEM BIG!!

This post was written and published by @jacoalberts

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @acgalarza, @jacoalberts, @blackdaisyft, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️


Sadly, I didn't participate in the previous challenge and didn't get any point at all. Well, overtaking is allowed yeah? Let's put in some efforts and gain some points.

Thanks a lot for he double dreem and congratulations to fellow winners

You bet overtaking is! So, let's see you put in that effort and gain some points, @nwothini335😅👍!


I'm trying my best and I'm moving at a speed of 500km/hr hehehe😅😅

Thank you for your wonderful comment sir

Haha...You're welcome, @nwothini335! Just watch out for speed traps along the way😅!

I have good swerving techniques 😅😅😅

That's awesome! I suppose that comes in handy at high speed😂👍!

It sure do.. hehe

💃💃💃💃💃 wow!!! It's a close one for most of us. Looking forward to the next challenge.

Thank you for the double dreem and for all you do.


Yes, it's still a close one!

It's interesting to see that I got double dreem for every thing mentioned but of course that's just a privilege and I'm happy I was given.

I'm happy that I started off well, let's see how this challenge turns out for everyone.

Thank you so much for the double dreem and I say a big congratulations to everyone that took Acton, all the best #dreemersforlife

You're welcome, @hopestylist! Enjoy the challenge!

I will 🥰

Thank you so much☺️☺️ We keep going.

You're welcome, @beeee! I love your spirit! Keep going!!


Aarrrggghhh! This is so amazing....thank you @dreemport and @dreemsteem for the double tokens. I am so grateful

Fabulous #dreemerforlife

This is indeed a big step forward, it’s time to tighten my laces, no dropping behind, it’s nice to see the updates so far, thanks for the update, see you on Thursday…

Awesome, @quduus1! Tighten those laces and go for it!!

I'm always grateful for the time taken out to make this Dreem world what it is. I hope that we keep putting in our best to actualize our dreems. I hope to read some really wonderful entries as always and I wish everyone in the Dreem family good luck.🌺💜

Thank you for your kind words, @jhymi! Good luck to you too in the challenge!

Good one. This time Thereust be dreemers of the year, not just one dreemer. I missed submission because my phone was having issues. I hope to do as much as it allows. All the best everyone

Oh wow! Sorry to hear about your phone, @adoore-eu! I hope you got it sorted out and you are ready for action again!

This is surprising, 4 points, I need to be more engaged this week.

Thanks for the token and congratulations to all the winners.

Good luck in adding as many points as you possibly can, @julti1985!

Thank you, I will try my best.

Oh I'm not missing out on this. The topic is really interesting. From #dreemport

Awesome! Give your best, @jazclassic!

Yes! Thanks for stopping by.

Congratulations @dreemport! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

<table><tr><td><img src="" /><td>You got more than 1750 replies.<br />Your next target is to reach 2000 replies. <p dir="auto"><sub><em>You can view your badges on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">your board and compare yourself to others in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Ranking<br /> <sub><em>If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word <code>STOP

Thank you for the badge, @hivebuzz! We do appreciate it! We are going to work had on getting more replies!

You're welcome @jacoalberts, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍

-Thank you Ma'am @dreemsteem and @dreemport for this wonderful opportunity and activity you set for all of us. I am praying to take part in this week's challenge! If God permits. God bless you in Jesus ' name. Amen!🙏-


You're welcome @aimharryianne! Enjoy the challenge! God bless you!

Thanks so much Dreemsteem for the double reward 🤗
Congratulations to all the winners and the encourager frame bearers.

Let's keep dreeming 😊

That's the spirit, @winanda! Keep dreeming! And good luck with the challenge! Enjoy it!

Thanks so much sir.

You're welcome!