Home remedies and learning how to relieve stress |Remedios caseros y aprender a calmar el estrés LOH # 201

in Ladies of Hive11 days ago

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In English

Greetings friends of the #LadiesofHive community, with this week's edition, where we are invited to reflect with questions from our dear @elizabethbith, here is my participation:

1. When you are sick, what home remedy helps you recover faster? Explain how it works

The home remedies that we normally take from the benefits of plants are never exhausted, each one offers us benefits that, when put to good use, help us to stop going to doctors' visits more often.

It is very important that when we are already taking conventional medicines we consult with our doctor about the natural medicines we plan to take or apply.

It is also important to remember that it is important to consult a doctor if discomfort persists. It is also important to remember that consistency is necessary for a good effect.
It is a relief to know that in our kitchen we can find help when we are sick, I particularly use the following remedies when I am ill:

Against headaches:

Boil a cup of water, add half a lemon, fresh or dried, sweeten with honey, drink as tea, or simply add the juice of half a lemon to coffee.

To improve digestion:

In half a glass of previously boiled water, add the juice of a lemon and drink regularly in the morning.
It is an excellent tonic for the liver, stimulates it and prepares it for the digestion of the day's food, and keeps us free of constipation.

To alleviate inflammatory diseases

Oregano helps to relieve symptoms typical of colitis or gastritis.
A hot oregano tea when my stomach hurts the most or for colitis, helps to reduce inflammation of the colon.

In a pot of boiling water, add a handful of oregano for three minutes, turn off and leave to infuse for at least five minutes.

Then strain and serve.
Oregano tea is most effective when you don't add sugar or any other flavouring. Although it tastes strong, the benefits are worth it.

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2. Today's world is full of stress, deadlines and too much to do. What is your main stress reliever that you
depend on to get you through the day?

It is inevitable not to feel that life is full of reasons for stress, tension and problems that come to overwhelm me, even to realise how I have been able to survive with the daily stress and even to get rid of the daily tension.

I think the most important thing is when I take the time to sit down and meditate on all the problems that are troubling me. It is when I think that I need to look for priorities and give them a solution (always looking for the most important thing first, what can't wait).

Then I try to analyse in order to get ahead: to be calm in everything I do, I need to meditate on things and plan everything very well.

Problems do not go away just because I ignore them, rather they become old and persist there, problems must be faced, and so it is safer to seek solutions, even see the opportunity to grow and mature, I can even learn to know a problem and solve it even before they start.

I believe that it should be stimulating to think of all that I have achieved throughout my life, it is precisely when we seek a better future for ourselves and our environment, there is or should be nothing to stop that march forward, with small steps, but sure that we will reach the desired goal with the heart and with faith in our creator.

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Designs and images on Canva
The pictures in my gallery taken from myRedmi 9 phone and edited in canva
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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En Español

Saludos amigos de la comunidad #LadiesofHive, con la edición que nos traen esta semana, donde nos invitan a reflexionar con las preguntas de nuestra estimada @elizabethbith, a continuación les presento mi participación:

1. Cuando estás enfermo, ¿qué remedio casero te ayuda a recuperarte más rápido? Explica cómo funciona

Los remedios caseros, que normalmente tomamos de los beneficios de las plantas no se agotan nunca, cada una nos ofrece provechos, que al hacer un buen uso de ellas, nos ayudan a dejar de ir con más frecuencia a las visitas médicas.

Es muy importante que cuando ya se están tomando medicamentos convencionales se consulte con el médico acerca de las medicinas naturales que tenemos en nuestros planes tomar o aplicar.

No está de más recordar que es importante consultar al médico por si las molestias persisten, es también importante recordar que para un buen efecto es necesaria la consistencia.

Es un alivio saber que en nuestra cocina podemos encontrar ayuda cuando aqueja un malestar, particularmente uso los siguientes remedios cuando estoy enferma:

Contra los dolores de cabeza:

Hervir una taza de agua, agregarle la mitad de un limón, fresco o seco, endulzar con miel, se toma como te, o simplemente agregar el jugo de medio limón al café.

Para mejorar la digestión:

En medio vaso de agua previamente hervida, se le pone el jugo de un limón, se toma regularmente por la mañana.
Es un excelente tónico para el hígado, lo estimula y lo prepara para la digestión de los alimentos del día, y nos mantiene libres de estreñimiento.

Para aliviar enfermedades inflamatorias

El orégano me ayuda aliviar síntomas típicos de colitis o gastritis.
Un té caliente de orégano cuando más me duele el estómago o para la colitis, ayudar a desinflamar el colón.

En un recipiente con agua hirviendo agrega un puñito de orégano durante tres minutos, apagar y dejar reposar para que infusiones por al menos cinco minutos.
Luego colar y servir.
El té de orégano, es más efectivo cuando no le agregas azúcar, ni ningún otro tipo de saborizante. Aunque sabe fuerte, los beneficios valen la pena.

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2. El mundo de hoy está lleno de estrés, plazos y demasiadas cosas por hacer. ¿Cuál es tu principal calmante del estrés del que dependes para salir adelante?

Es inevitable no sentir que la vida está llena de motivos de estrés, tensión y problemas que llegan para agobiarme, incluso para darme cuenta de cómo he podido sobrevivir con el estrés diario y hasta poder sacarme la tensión diaria.

Creo que lo más importante es cuando tomo el tiempo para dedicarme a sentarme para meditar en todos los problemas que me aquejan. Es cuando pienso que necesito buscar prioridades y darles solución (siempre buscando primero lo más importante, lo que no puede esperar).

Entonces procuro analizar para salir adelante: tener calma en todo lo que hago, necesito meditar las cosas y planear todo muy bien.

Los problemas no se van solo porque los ignoro, más bien se hacen añejos y persisten allí, los problemas hay que enfrentarlos, y así es más seguro buscar soluciones, incluso ver la oportunidad de crecer y madurar, hasta puedo aprender a conocer un problema y a solucionarlo incluso, antes que estos empiecen.

Creo que debe servir de estimulante, pensar en todo lo que a lo largo de mi vida he logrado, es precisamente cuando buscamos un mejor futuro para nosotras y nuestro entorno, no hay o no debe haber nada que detenga esa marcha hacia adelante, con pasos cortos, pero seguras de que llegaremos a la meta deseada con el corazón y con la fe puesta en nuestro creador.

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Los diseños y las imágenes en Canva
Las fotografías en mi galería tomadas de mi teléfono Redmi 9 y editadas en canva
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)



Nice write up. This is indeed a good remedy thanks for sharing.

That's right, they are good and simple, thanks for your visit and comment @ashiru.

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Thank you very much!

Lemon and honey pop up a lot in this week's contest, but I don't recall anyone mentioning it for headaches. I will have to give that a try as I am prone to headaches.

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

That's right, lemon has many healing properties, thanks for bringing those amazing questions @elizabethbit , have a nice day!



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Thank you very much! @ladiesofhive !

Those are some beautiful remedies. I experience gastritis occasionally and it messes with me all day. Now I’ll be putting this remedy to use.

And stress comes with problems. Our problems definitely don’t go away. They just increase and get old and mess with us. So as you pointed, sorting them out in ways that we can is the best

That's right, oregano is good for that, as well as for menstrual cramps, managing stress is not easy, but I think we can! Thanks for your visit and kindly comment.

We usually make lemon and honey to ease our coughing, I did not know that it's good for headache also♥️.

Yes, you can use it, lemon has many healing properties. Thank you for your visit and kind comment.

I had never read about half a lemon sweetened with honey and added to coffee or tea to relieve headaches. Maybe I can pass it with tea, but never with my coffee. My coffee is black and strong. Well, coffee by itself relieves my headache.
You know, for stress I use valerian, but an infusion that fascinates me and calms me down is cayenne. It relaxes me and puts me to sleep.
Thanks for your tips.
Love.Your text is very interesting my admired @cautiva. I was struck by the fact that you mention that you should consult your doctor if you are taking any medication. Very good tip.

Hi @germanandradeg that's right, lemon has a lot of benefits, plus vitamin, good that you use cayenne for sleep and to relax, I know it's good. Thanks for your visit and kind comment, have a nice Saturday.

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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Thank you very much!