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RE: Confirmed: Covid "vaccines" are causing brain damage

in Deep Dives2 years ago

We have been subjected to these biological weapons and attacked deliberately with intent to do this harm, by people that have been testing these weapons for years, aided and abetted by liars intent on fooling us so that we will suffer these attacks while believing we are receiving beneficial medical products that will reduce the risks our loved ones face from a lethal pandemic pathogen.

While the development of these weapons was ongoing, the political power, media access, and financial structure of a military campaign to attack every single human being on Earth through the deception, coercion, and affliction with biological warfare agents by a cabal of murderous psychopaths intending not just to make a lot of money, but to destroy the nations and peoples of the world, and render the survivors abject genetically modified slaves of the perpetrators, their heirs and assigns, in perpetuity, so these megalomaniacs would be deified by any survivors, and take title to all property extant, and that would ever be available, has been undertaken concurrently.

Few of the cabal fully comprehended the specifics of all aspects of the war. None grasped the full impact and horror of the suffering of their victims, but they didn't care what harm they did, nor who they did it to, as long as they could succeed in reaching their goal of deification. No group ever in history has sought to do more harm to more people than these conspirators.

We who have not yet been killed by our enemies owe our ancestors, ourselves, and our posterity a full and complete adjudication and delivery of just penalties at law for these genocidal war crimes against humanity. Our very species, in fact all life, depends on ending this biological warfare and preventing it from ever happening again.

Let us take courage from the prophecies of ancient seers that have foreseen these events and promised we would prevail. We will bring forth a paradise of peace, freedom, and felicity that has inspired the best of us, in the worst of times, to carry on, to have hope, and prevail no matter what we have faced, after our victory over evil. We are the people that this honor has been granted to save all that is good and sacred.

Be sure we won't fall short of that duty.
