THE WAR: True culprit for the Ukrainian war [eng/срп] РАТ: Истински кривац за украјински рат

in Deep Dives10 months ago (edited)

Source / Извор: Screenshot

Western corporate propaganda breaks against the truth like waves of lies against the cliffs…

Remember the corporate media story about how Russia is weak because it failed to crush Ukraine in a week? Well, that was another lie. Russia succeeded in a week. At the beginning of March, Ukraine had to sign its consent to the Russian conditions, which primarily concerned non-adherence to the NATO pact and the denazification of the country. But as soon as the leader of the delegation, Denys Kiryeyev, returned to Kyiv, he was dragged into an SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) van, brutally beaten, tortured, killed with a bullet to the head and thrown out into the street. The fact was confirmed by almost all corporate media without any condemnation, and in support of the SBU story that Kireyev was a Russian spy:

Западна пропаганда разбија се о истину као таласи лажи о стење…

Сећате се приче корпоративних медија како је Русија слаба јер није успела да сломи Украјину за недељу дана? Још једна лаж, Русија је успела. Почетком марта, Украјина је требало да потпише пристанак на руске услове који су се пре свега тицали неприступања НАТО пакту и денацификације државе. Али чим се вођа делегације, Денис Кирејев, вратио у Кијев, био је убачен у комби СБУ (Безбедносна служба Украјине), брутално претучен, мучен, убијен метком у главу и избачен на улицу. Чињеницу су потврдили готово сви корпоративни медији без било какве осуде, и уз подршку причи СБУ да је Кирејев био руски шпијун:

That is why the next attempt to solve the Ukrainian problem was organized in Turkey. At the negotiations in Ankara, the Ukrainian delegation was led by David Arakhamia. And the preliminary agreement was reached, the paper was signed, and then someone intervened… Can you guess who? Yesterday, Arakhamia himself revealed this in an interview with the Ukrainian station 1+1:

Зато је наредни покушај решавања украјинског проблема организован у Турској. На преговорима у Анкари, украјинску делегацију предводио је Давид Арахамија. И прелиминарни договор је постигнут, папир је потписан, а онда се неко умешао… Можете ли да погодите ко? Јуче је то сам Арахамија открио у интервјуу за украјинску станицу 1+1:

Arakhamia at Bastyon.
Duration / Трајање: 2:23 (Russian, English subtitle)


Arakhamia at Telegram.
Duration / Трајање: 2:23 (Russian, English subtitle)


Арахамија на Телеграму.
Duration / Трајање: 2:25 (Руски, српски титл)


And lo and behold! It was NATO incarnated in their most disheveled evil clown, buying his place in the US military/industrial complex!

И гле! Био је то НАТО оличен у њиховом најрашчупанијем злом кловну, који је тиме куповао место у америчком војно/индустријском комплексу!

Source / Извор: RT International

Here’s your chance to check how free you are. If you can’t open the link to this story, it means your tyrannical government is keeping you in censorship, as far from the truth as possible:

Ево прилике да проверите колико сте слободни. Ако не можете да отворите линк са овом причом, значи да вас ваша тиранска влада држи у цензури, што даље од истине:

Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 – Kiev’s top MP

Thank God there is Hive, where we can bypass censorship and get true information:

Хвала Богу што постоји Хајв, где можемо заобићи цензуру и добити истиниту информацију:

Truth of war in Ukraine at Rumble.
Duration / Трајање: 8:00


Truth of war in Ukraine at Odysee.
Duration / Трајање: 8:00


Why is this confession of Arakhamia so important? Because the Russians need to know who your enemies are. And it was certainly never the Ukrainian people. If Russia wants to end this war, it must end with victory over the true enemies.

And that means it has to end in Washington, London and – the Vatican. These are the centers of the Hidden Empire that planned and started the attack…

Зашто је ово Арахамијино признање тако важно? Зато што треба знати ко су вам непријатељи. А то свакако никад није био украјински народ. Ако Русија жели да заврши овај рат, он се мора завршити победом над истинским непријатељима.

А то значи, мора се завршити у Вашингтону, Лондону и – Ватикану. То су центри прикривене Империје која је напад планирала и започела…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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* * *

Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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We always knew a large part of it was about the so called de-nazifing of Ukraine. I am positive not all that money that came back is just for personal political use and a large sum of it will go back into Ukraine to develop what will be the first built back better country. At a time like this the last thing Americans want to hear is we are going to give Ukraine billions of dollars to rebuild, that's surely going to lose them the 24 election, but if they deposit those funds into develop bank money that's where they'll say the money is coming from. Hence they'll profit off Ukraine twice.

I doubt there will be Ukraine in a few years, @sunlit7.

There will be, the question I guess is will it be an independent Ukraine. Ukraine is slanted to become a seventeen billion dollar a year operation in titanium alone, if the green earthers get their way. They've already build the Musk prerequisite of green mining operations in Ukraine. Founded in 2000 Velta Technologis, Andriy Brodskgy CEO and founder, the green mining operation was built in record breaking time in 2011. Key involvement (DuPont) Chemours, Precheza an Traxy. It's a propriety revolutionary technology that reduced cost of titanium four fold. Zero waste concept of green titanium. Two domestic patents for Velta Ti Process and Priority at the USPTO. Located in Dnipro Ukraine, production Korobchine Villege, Kirovograd Ukraine.

I've often said why I view this whole war a globalist shift that they are all involved in because it would seem to me that the first thing Russia would have taken out were those green mining operations. Ukraine has hundreds of years worth of just about any mineral found on the face of the earth.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 183 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!