NASA in Algeria [eng/срп] НАСА у Алжиру

in Deep Diveslast month (edited)

Source / Извор: Imtiaz Mahmood on X

No, this is not another post about proving the obvious. You really can’t verify any photo in the times of ‘AI’ fakes…

Imagine how much money can be stolen by simply faking photos from Mars. Who would risk the failure of a project when they can take an entire honey pot without much trouble?

Не, ово није још један пост о доказивању очигледног. У доба ‘ВИ’ фалсификата тешко је било шта проверити…

Замислите колико се пара може украсти простим фалсификовањем фотографија са Марса. Ко би ризиковао пропаст пројекта кад може да узме цео ћуп с медом без много муке?

This is actually a roll call. Let’s see how many people here still believe the Empire of liars who got PhD in deception from Satan himself.

Ово је, заправо, пребројавање. Да видимо колико још људи верује Царству лажова који су превару докторирали код Сотоне лично.

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Governments may lie, they lie all the time... But of course we have a rover on Mars, I mean look at all the MONEY it costs, so obviously it's treal, who could or would deny it. No incentive to deceive people, no reason we shouldn't fund them further! We can afford it, we can afford anything we dream of.

Actually if we played golf on the moon in the early '70's, it should be a giant billboard by now.

What took the first photo?


I don’t know, @valued-customer, and I think it is not important in this context, because it is not a photo at all. It’s a clear photoshop work.

When the well is poisoned, don't drink from the well - unless you are able to separate the poison from the water. It is proven that NASA has been gaslighting us with doctored pictures. It is also proven that dissenters are gaslighting us with doctored pictures, as you reveal.

This is not limited to space propaganda, but today is a feature of every category of media propaganda, in every jurisdiction. Coupled with censorship, gaslighting amounts to psychological warfare committed against all civilian populations of the world by all governments of the world, without exception.

Now AI creation of images joins photoshop as a means of creating false propaganda, and censorship has so increased that civilians in the West are being arrested, prosecuted, and convicted of stating 'anti-establishment rhetoric', and reduced to enslavement in captivity by governments, specifically the UK.

While the poison gas of false propaganda ever more strongly pollutes our forthright speech, and it becomes impossible for us to ascertain what facts are regarding the existential issues confronting sovereign people, the principle of mutual support of forthright speech and criticism that is the only means of separating that poison from the pure facts we depend on for rational understanding becomes of more import.

This is why I continuously support you, even when we disagree as to matters of fact. Only by that principle in practice is it possible we will prevent being subjugated to Machiavellian manipulators seeking to deceive us to cause us to accept false doctrines that will lead us astray, lead us to pursue paths leading to our subjugation.

It is why free speech is existentially fundamental to human survival, and why forthright criticism is the most valuable blessing we can receive.


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