Bitshares Astro UI dev blog - Support borrowing smartcoins at median_feed rates whilst individual settlement debt positions exist! v0.3.2

in BitShareslast month


Go try out the latest Bitshares Astro UI release!

The Bitshares Astro UI uses next-gen web technologies, establishing a from scratch replacement for the reference Bitshares user interface.

The Astro-UI is near feature complete, here's what's changed in the latest release v0.3.2!

So what was addressed in version 0.3.2?

There is an issue which exists in the reference UI:

New BSRM's were introduced to the Bitshares core a while ago, one of them is the 'individual settlement funds' option, which if a position has been settled then it freezes the settlement price until it's cleared, however during this time the UI needs to switch to using the median price so that new positions can be borrowed into existence (it's currently erroneously using the current_feed which has frozen stats matching the individual settlement debt conditions).

This new version of the astro-ui fixes this issue by using the correct median feed price whilst these conditions are active!

The issue still remains open for the reference bitshares-ui project, if you're up for the challenge of contributing code to a react 16 based project (lol).

Check out the previous hive posts regarding the Astro UI:

Thanks for reading this far, I'm looking forwards to any comments you have!

Don't forget to vote for the Astro-UI worker proposal on the bitshares blockchain!

Download the Bitshares Astro UI today!