CLOVE BASIL🌿: Ocimum gratissimum- The spicy with whole lot of benefits

in Homesteading7 months ago

Hi hivers❣️

Over the years, I as a young guy leaving alone away from the family cooking has become something I must do and not something I do when I feel like as in the case when I was still leaving with my parents. Though cooking has never been a problem for me but doing it without been told to is and after leaving home 🏡 and living far away from my parents it became a thing of necessity else I starve as I am somebody who is not so good with eating out.
Before leaving home though, I have learnt a thing or two from my mum when it comes to cooking and presently that has helped me In a very big way.

While still at home I watched mum sometimes when she is cooking and learnt a thing or two. There was one thing mum does when preparing soup or stew as the case may be and that is adding scent leaf as it is popularly called in this part of the 🌎

CLOVE BASIL as it is popularly scent leave often add this scent and flavor to whatever it is you are cooking and I have always loved the scent coming out of it and from watching my mum add it to her soup while cooking, I have also come to do that every time am cooking. But then, this same scent leave has its health benefits like any other plant or food we consume as humans.


I have always just added it to my meal because of the certian scent or flavor it adds to my meal but I decided one day to go further and read about it and know what it's all about, it's benefits if any and also any harmful effect it might have on the body.

Benefits of clove basil

I got to read up about clove basil and I realized it had some benefits aside the flavor it gives.

  1. The first thing I got to know about clove basil is that it helps or aids with indigestion which was quite great to hear that a certain spicy I add to my soup just for the flavor and scent it gives also aids with digestion.

  2. Heart burn: well as an ulcer patient I was more intrigued with this as I get heart burn due to my condition from time to time but knowing that clove basil can actually help with reducing heart burn I think I might have to have a huge plantation covered with it.


  1. Rich in Vitamin A: clove basil is also rich in vitamin A which helps with eye as it is rich in vitamin A.


Getting to know some of the benefits of this leaf has more than convinced me to not only use it for it's flavor and scent that it adds to a meal but also for these numerous health benefits that it adds.

I definitely will continue to add clove basil to my meals going forward my upcoming garden farm will definitely have scent leaf in it.

Thank you all for viewing this post and I hope you add clove basil to your meal😀😀