Gardening Seasons, Land preparation and challenges of getting quality Seeds for planting

in Homesteading20 days ago

Hello Hive

We are in the season where gardening activities are progressive, and everyone is hoping to grow some veggies either at home or by the riverbanks.


During the rainy seasons, growing vegetables is usually much easier as there is an abundance of rainfall, and virtually everything you plant grows.
But as soon as the dry seasons begin, everything gets dried up, and we have to work around the available water sources to grow some veggies.


The dry season is the reason why vegetables get really expensive, and sometimes you can't even get some when we need them. For the past two months now, we haven't experienced the abundant presence of vegetables in the market.

For that reason, everyone has taken their portions by the riverbanks already, and land clearing and preparation are currently going on.


Just take a look at the arrangements of vegetable bed belongings to different women here. Women are the ones mostly found in these gardening activities. It is easier to fetch water with buckets to water the veggies here.

Although some of the richer farmers who are able to purchase generators often make work easier for themselves, as these generators often pump water from the river into the closest locations used for gardening.



Some of the major challenges we are facing are how to get quality seeds for farming.


For instance, take a look at these growing tomatoes.

Planting and growing them to this stage is very easy, but the plants grow so tall and are unable to hold the fruits when they start bearing the tomato balls.


I learned that there are better tomato seeds that we can get that often don't have many challenges with keeping their fruits on the stems until they get ripe enough.
I really wish to get quality seedlings for planting so that the gardening process will be with ease and we can have/harvest our fruits easily when the time comes.

While our land clearing and preparations are still on, we have to keep sorting out seeds for planting.

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