The Power Of Wednesday

Hi all you Hivers,

I've decided to POWER UP on Wednesdays. And I have a good reason for this...
odin 2.jpg
Thanks to Kristijan Arsov for sharing this work on Unsplash.


It must have easily been 35 or 36 years ago and I would have been 13 or 14 sat in English class at high school when I found myself staring at the word WEDNESDAY that was written at the top of the page along with the date. it had always been a weird word and i had tuned out the teacher as I was lost in my own thoughts. This often happened in this class as the teacher was incredibly boring.


@biggypauls doing his best ODIN impersonation

Without really thinking i raised my hand and the teacher stopped and said "yes, what is it boy". i said " Sir, why is Wednesday called Wednesday?" He looked pretty pissed off as it obviously had nothing to do with what he was talking about and said "What has that got to do with anything?" to which I replied" Sir this is English class and it is Wednesday, the word is spelt weirdly and this as far as I know has never been explained to us". He was now more angry and said " you're off topic". Being a cheeky fucker I quickly said" it's ok to say you don't know Sir if you don't know" Laughter from the class. I was quite good at this, keeping my cool and making the teachers lose theirs."Stay on topic boy you're wasting my time". " So you don't know Sir?". Luckily the bell went we filed out I was called back and he was telling me not to distract the class in future. I asked him again and he angrily dismissed me telling me to go to my next class. I was thinking how can he not know he's a bloody English teacher.

I decided at the weekend to find out for myself. I still to this day have no idea why i felt compelled to do so. There was a tiny library around the corner from the house we lived in and I'd mostly only ran into it to escape groups of kids chasing me with the intention of kicking the shit out of me so when I walked in all calmly and not in a sweaty panic the library staff looked a little bemused. Even more so when I approached them and asked where the reference books were that would tell me why days were named as they were etc. A look of genuine surprise from them now. The little ruffian really has some research to do.

1848- Wilhelm Kaulbach depicts Freya, Odin and Thor. Friday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I spent a fascinating day in the library finding out not only about the days of the week but months of the year also and all the strange combinations of Norse mythology and Roman Emperors all really interesting stuff.

Ludwig Pietch 1865- Illustration of odin

The very next Wednesday I was sat yet again in English class and waiting for the opportune moment as it were. i waited til i thought it was almost perfect with the majority of the class almost in a coma as the teacher droned on and my hand went up. "what now boy?" he bellowed. "Odins day Sir." I said. "What are you talking about boy?". "Today Sir. It's Odins Day named after the Norse God Odin , The All Father. Became known in Olde English as Woden and then Wodens day and now we know it as Wednesday". Thought you might want to know in case someone asks you in the future"
"GET OUT OF MY CLASS BOY" came his predictable response followed by the timely noise of the bell indicating we would all be leaving now. Gladly I thought and victory was mine. I like to think Odin himself was chuckling about it looking down from Valhalla.

So in honour of the All Father ODIN lets POWER UP on Wednesday and show a little respect 👊



Aye, I learned about that recently thanks to Neil Gaiman's book American Gods. After I read about Wednesday being Odin's day, that Thor's Day was kind of obvious and I could speculate on Friday. But I never checked about the rest of the days...

It's also a cool decision :)

Great book. I read that about 12 years ago. Have you also read Anansi Boys. It's about the Spider god Anansi . He has 2 children one knows hes Anansis son one did not know. Also a good read

I heard good things about it and I already know Anansi...But I don't know the boys, yet. Some day, probably...

Your story was pretty nice, too. Good tactics :)

haha I was a horrible child

My, what a handsome chap:) He has such a soft and approachable look about him.

isn't he cute, look at his little face

Aye, he's got the face of a angelic nursery school teacher.

ahhhh doesn't he just

Lol...A come and say hello, I'm harmless sort of visage.

Haha, that's my happy face, don't make me angry you would't like me when i'm angry.

Lol...It must be something to behold...Or to avoid.

I'm a big softy really.


there's blue pils for that now mate

I've powered up most of what I've earned and taken a little to exchanges to trade, then drop back in. Don't know why, but it's nice to see that powered-up figure rising. Wednesday is as good a day as any.

Odin approves.


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Compliments of the PHC founder @jaynie...

We have tweeted, upvoted and reblogged it for you.

❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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What a cool read! I would LOVE to have been in your class lol!!!! Don't think I was much different in terms of annoying my teachers... but with that said, the old fart could have at least acknowledged the effort you went through to actually find that out.

I had an Afrikaans teacher that hated my guts - I spent most lessons outside in the passage. On one of the few occassions that I actually made it through to the end of the lesson, she gave the class a word or expression to go and research... whoever came to her first in the next lesson with the correct answer would get a prize she said. I made it my mission to be that person, just to annoy her... and I was first in line, gave her my answer... which was correct I might add... and the wench dismissed me, took the answer from the second person (same answer) and gave them the prize. She never got a good day from me ever again... old bag! haha! !tip

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haha old bag indeed. Yup I was an annoying smart arse. Wait was...still am

hahahaha!!! At least you are honest :)

been really nice feedback on this post. Made me smile after a not so great day. Love this platform

That is ALWAYS nice to hear!!! Hope your day continues to get awesomerererer :)

Check out @jaynie blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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🎁 Hi @scubahead! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

awesome, many thanks.

Now that was a cool read!
As English is my second language I remember from School that Wednesday was always a pain in the behind for me to spell. Always! Why other days can be easy to remember and not Wednesday?
Well... I guess I have a little but more respect for it now :)
To Odin 🍷 !

To Odin! the all father haha. I am really enjoying the feedback from this post. It's really made me smile today

It made me smile too, especially the cheeky little you part :D
Thanks for that!

now I am just cheeky and old haha. Not really changed much

😂 Good!

Hahaha, great story! The power of self education is tremendous. Teachers should appreciate a kid who is willing to self educate

my thoughts exactly haha. It's actually quite amazing how nobody really questions why things are called what they are

Yes! Getting to the bottom of things, going on the thread of history and finding more! I think this requires a curious mind. Like yours. Few maintain the spark of curiosity still burning

I have another post to do now about another word that cropped up at the dive shop bar a while back. I was explaining what a word meant to a guest when they quizzed me about it and it made me think why is it called that. The results were quite a surprise

Oh lovely! Finding the history of a word is exciting!

especially when its origins are from where you are currently at and you never knew. I'll write that one tomorrow i think :)
