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RE: Global Hive Infrastructure DHF Proposal | HAF apps, image server and more

in Hive Governance11 months ago

It seems very centralized still? Isn't there a better way in the web3 world to host images in some type of blockchain way CDN type network?

I'd rather see progress there then booting up another server to deal with images.

Also shouldn't we be able to strap on webp or something of the sorts to really reduce all image sizes rolling forward?


I had a chat with vaultec from SPK to see if we could solve that problem, but the inherent problem of having the storage space necessary for all the data is still there, while we can compress and optimize as much as we want, in the end image hosting is a slippery slope when it comes to what you can do to reduce file sizes.

One major problem with P2P/Blockchain-esque hosting is that, while you can potentially "improve" the space that someplace has, someone, somewhere would still has to have the full copy as I mentioned.

If we have 100 TB of images, around the P2P network, lets say 2 servers have >100TB space, they would be hosting everything for other peers to join the network and download, this would certainly reduce latency and improve reliability of those files, but any file they (the new peers) couldn't fit would be at risk.

It would be interesting to see if some of this money can be put into SPK network each month to incentivise many ppl all around the world to use their spare hard drive space to back up images for hive dapps and help them earn ownership in SPK. The network was built (funded by hive) specifically to incentivise the infrastructure operators on hive.

Looking forwards to seeing you in the meetings for this! I’m sure many positive outcomes.

Redundancy is mostly solved using SPK and cost should be way way lower since you would be using most people’s spare storage space

I want to see this happening. With SPK people don't need a full copy of all the images, somehow it can be distributed around all validators and incentivize them to maintain the nodes.

Did SPK plan on having all nodes basically become CDN nodes and be able to have content delivered to end users from them or just host them similarly to how the videos are done right now?

We are working on the ‘run your own CDN node’ as part of this next phase

Definitely interesting. Going to work on images support with uploading for that as well or just for your videos?