Not sure I grasp what You're trying to convey. My points are economic. 100% of the cost of everything is energy. The resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration. Add free energy and the cost of energy will be removed all down the line, allowing automation of needed work no One wants to do, and freeing Us to do what We love to do.
That 80% and more of Us presently spend Our life energy on moving money about, and overall upwards to the psychopaths in control, shows that We do not need 100% of Us "working." And in fact, with automation, about 5% of Us will be required for the creative stuff We need but cannot automate. And if it is creative, there will easily be 5% of Us wanting to do it.
As for what They know about free energy... Considering I know They keep free energy tech hidden and suppressed, having data on one such technology, I suspect there is plenty They know of - and likely have been using to produce the energy They charge Us arms and legs for.
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):