in Hive Naija4 months ago

My uncle had just returned from his NYSC service, the entire community were excited and happy to see my uncle return. He had dropped his bags on the floor and stretched out his arms as all the children engulfed him in a hug. Some jumped on his back, some held his neck tightly while some clung to his legs.
The children didn't care whether they were choking him or if they held on too tight nor if their weight was too much for him, their excitement outweighed their concern. After the children had gotten tired of hugging him they finally let go.

" Uncle dash us money" said one of the children.
My uncle smiled at the children showing his pearly white teeth and then he dipped his hand into the pocket of his NYSC trouser to bring out a clean and new 1000 naira note and gave it to the eldest amongst the ten children. She took the money and said thank you and then ran off shouting at the top of her lungs " uncle gave me 1000 naira. The other children stared at my uncle expectantly and my uncle stared back at them confused.
" Uncle what about our own" said Esther

" Ah ah I give ona money to share, no be for only one person". Said my uncle in surprise.
" But uncle 1000 naira too small for all of us to share" said the children.

My uncle was surprised, confused and angry.


Now you might be wondering "how is this story relevant to this week's prompt?"
Well dear reader this story (which actually happened) let's you know that children now grow more faster (mentally) than children then. If it was the previous generation kids they wouldn't have the courage to tell anyone that they cannot share a certain amount given to them because back then respect was very much considered in everything we do (and plus the fear that your mom will give you a good beating). This let's us know that children now, whether we like it or not become more aware of money quicker than the parents would like. Give a six month old baby twenty naira and five hundred and tell him to pick one, you would be very surprised at his choice.

The prompt had said when would be the right time to expose your children to the concept of money, well nowadays kids don't even wait for anyone to expose them to the concept of anything, they just end up knowing anyway. So the best thing any parent can do for their child now is to instill in him/her the virtue of saving up. Inevitably children will receive money one way or another (some children tend to hide money from their parents)so the best thing you can teach them is how to save that money for when they really need it. When they grow up with that training, by the time they become adults planning ahead and saving money for future use won't be hard for them because they have been doing since they were little. They won't spend money carelessly and you the parent can sit at home with a calm face knowing your child is not wasting anything and spending on what you can't afford.

This method which I call the piggy bank method can be really effective, it had worked for me and my siblings an it might work for you. The best time to start this method will be when the child starts school (which is age 2+).