Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #5 [EngEsp]

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Weekly Question.

What wisdom has an elder gifted you with?
How has this gem helped you on your life's journey?

From childhood at home we are taught by example to value the elderly. There are the parents and grandparents. Parents guide us on this path of respect for the elderly.

An incalculable value in relation to this, usually grandparents give a lot of advice. I was not fortunate enough to have paternal grandparents and one of my maternal grandparents changed my plans when I was very young.

I only saw my maternal grandmother at certain times. Wisdom that she gave me, perhaps without saying it, her way of seeing life or living her life... I feel that she was not a grandmother to give advice according to her experiences.

As the years went by, as I got older, my parents got older...I think that their wisdom in relation to the upbringing of their children was not to interfere in the decisions of each one, even if they considered that they did not like such a decision.

That wisdom was not spoken, but with deeds and actions, that now I can see the wisdom that was in them...sometimes the advice not only has to be communicated in words, observing their actions was important.

To look at them now and remember all their actions towards relatives, neighbors...the solidarity towards them is a great wisdom, there was the protection of the others, actions that with the passing of the years we are realizing what they did.

It is a wisdom that was passed on, we didn't have to wait to become elders to give advice. My mother always said that we should not judge anyone, because we don't know why they acted the way they did...maybe she understood that those people who judged them had no knowledge of certain ways of living and how to do things...that's why she always said don't judge, you don't know why people act the way they do.

She was very wise in so many things, in having patience, in observing others without making judgments, now it is understood, that is part of what today is transmitted from spirituality, social psychology of how we should conduct ourselves to have a better life...I believe that these teachings are deciphered as we grow in years, when we begin to understand the wisdom of these people who have had life experiences in many aspects.

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Translator DeepL
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Saludos a la comunidad #ThoughtfulDailyPost


Pregunta semanal

¿Qué sabiduría te ha regalado un anciano?
¿Cómo te ayudó esta joya en el camino de tu vida?

Desde niños en el hogar nos van enseñando con el ejemplo a valorar a las personas de edad. Estan los padres y los abuelos. Los padres nos van guiando en este camino de respeto hacia las personas mayores.

Un valor incalculable en relaciòn a esto, por lo general los abuelos dan muchos consejos. No tuve la dicha de tener abuelos paternos y los abuelos maternos uno cambiò de plano siendo yo muy niña.

La abuela materna solo la veìa en determinados momentos. Sabidurìa que me ha regalado, quizàs sin decirlo su forma de ver la vida o de vivir su vida...siento que no fue abuela de dar consejos de acuerdo a sus experiencias.

Con el pasar de los años, mas adulta yo, mis padres con màs edad...pienso que su sabidurìa en relaciòn a la crianza de los hijos fue eso de no meterse en las decisiones de cada uno asì consideraran que no les agradaba tal decisiòn.

Esa sabidurìa no era hablada era con hechos acciones,que ahora puedo ver la sabidurìa que habìa en ellos...a veces los consejos no solamente tienen que ser comunidados en palabras, observar sus acciones era importante.

Mirar ahora y recordar todas las acciones de ellos hacia familiares, solidaridad hacia ellos es una gran sabidurìa, allì se dejaba ver la protecciòn a los otros, acciones que con el pasar de los años nos vamos dando cuenta de lo que ellos hacìan.

Es una sabidurìa que fue transmitida, no hubo que esperar llegar a ser ancianos para dar un consejo. Mi madre siempre decìa que no habìa que juzgar a nadie, porque no se sabe porquè actuaban como actuaban...quizàs ella entendìa que a esas personas que les juzgaban tenìan desconocimiento hacias ciertas formas de vivir y como hacer las cosas...por eso ella recalcaba no juzguen ustedes no saben porque las personas actùan como lo hacen.

Muy sabia en tantas cosas, en tener paciencia, en observar a los demàs sin emitir juicios, ahora se entiende, eso es parte de lo que hoy en dìa se transmite desde la espiritualidad, la psicologìa social de como debemos conducirnos para tener una mejor vida...considero que esas enseñanzas las vamos descifrando en la medida que vamos creciendo en años, cuando comenzamos a entender la sabidurìa de estas personas que han tenido experiencias de vida en muchos aspectos.

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Feliz navidad.png

 2 months ago  
Such a wonderful post, dear soul. I see time and time again. The terrible example of how kids are raised these days. I just shake my heads sometimes, as I watch all the disrespect and lack of manners. I can't help but feel that thin sapling being whacked across my rear end, when I did something wrong LOL. That's considered abuse now days... It was never hard enough to even leave a mark. But the memory is still there; obviously, it served the purpose.


Thanks for sharing this powerful story with us... I was told by @sirenahippie that you might stop by. I'm glad you did! Pleasure to meet you, dear soul. Have a wonderful weekend!🙏🤗.


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@mercmarg is a great content creator, and with this post she has proven it. I'm glad you liked her entry, dear @wesphilbin

Thank you @sirenahippie for this recommendation, thank you very much.

Thanks to you @wesphilbin for those beautiful words towards my publication and to @Sirenahippie for opening the way to reach this community. Same good weekend to you.


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Hello professor @mercmarg what a pleasure to have your knowledge in these spaces and for you to join this reflective group of great teachings. What an exquisite publication you have shared with us, it distils in too much, that value of old experiential wisdom proudly transmitted through family generations. It represents without a doubt, one of the most precious assets, a source of pride and admiration. Until another time, health and wellbeing !LUV

Hola profesora @mercmarg que gusto contar con tus saberes en estos espacios y que se una a este grupo reflexivo de grandes enseñanzas. Que exquisita publicación nos ha compartido, destila en demasía, el valor de la añeja sabiduría vivencial transmitida con orgullo a través de generaciones familiares. Representa sin duda, uno de los bienes más preciados, motivo de orgullo y admiración. Hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar.

Hello dear @marilour , to give that value is important and I feel that I began to feel it when each member of the family as grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts begin to change plane and those teachings are there to remember them and put them into practice with the new members of the family, thinking that someday they will become aware of these issues on the wisdom that they showed through their actions.

Thank you very much

Hola querida @marilour dar ese valor es importante y siento que comencè a sentirlo cuando cada miembro de la familia como abuelos , padres, tios comienzan a cambiar de plano y esas enseñanzas estan allì para recordarlas y llevarlas a la practica con los nuevos integrantes de la familia, pensando que algùn dìa igual se hagan consciente hacia estos temas sobre la sabidurìa que demostraban por medio de sus actos.

Gracias muchas gracias

Many of us learned the wisdom that is sustainable in our lives from our families, mostly our parents. God bless our parents is my prayer. Thank you.