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RE: How was I the bad guy? (Memoir Monday #27)

If you don't, then you give off that energy to others

That one's mind-boggling to me. We treat ourselves like shit, then walk into relationships and expect the knight in shining armor who sees we deserve so much more. It doesn't work like that (And isn't it way more empowering when you start giving yourself that "more"?).

Now that being said, those people will probably also treat themselves badly

Difficult to accept if you're even a moderately nice person. We're wired to be nice and help and all that nice human stuff. And when you think "oh but they're probably hurting more", it risks undermining all that hard-earned self-respect.

But I will never again settle for less than I deserve.

And you deserve so much. ❤️ Hope to see you soon!


Very true. There should be a course on how to treat ourselves better before getting into a relationship...
The issues is that people are usually nice on the surface, but we all know that we're not always the way we show ourselves... I don't know exactly why, but I think a lot of us know our own weaknesses, and don't like to show them to others, until we get into a long term relationship, and all of a sudden 'poof, there it is!'. I think I've gotten to the point that I know we all have faulty behavior and weaknesses. In meeting people (not for a love relationship, but in general, friendships etc.) I now tend not to expect anything. It absolutely helps. Don't expect anything (except maybe honesty) and you could just get lots you didn't expect.

Hope to see you soon too! Might have to crash on someone's floor or couch if I make it...