Great Photos With My Friend

in SWC7 days ago
# Great Photos With My Friend

A big greeting dear readers, this time I will be sharing with you some pictures that I have taken with my good friend Exis (@alexdro-sw) he is always with me in all my workouts and yesterday was his birthday, so I wanted to take some pictures with him to upload it to social networks, but better I said I would upload it to the Inleo platform.

After a long workout we did yesterday, where we strengthened the back and arm area, doing variations of front lever exercises, we wanted to take some pictures of us posing and showing the results of the hard training we have been doing for quite some time. Although sometimes we think that we are not progressing, it is always good to remember how we started and you will see that the truth is that you have come a long way, so do not be discouraged my people, with perseverance and discipline you will achieve your goals and objectives.

The results we obtain from our actions depend on our will, that is to say, on really wanting to achieve those results, when we really want to do something, there is no obstacle that stands in our way. Our will looks for imaginative ways to overcome any setback and ends up guiding us to our goal.. With that sentence I'll be saying goodbye, I hope you liked the pictures, see you in a next post 💪🔥

# Credits
@alexdro-sw@manuel-swPoco X3 ProDeepL
@manuel-sw - Creating Quality Content

Want to know more about me?


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Both of you are looking handsome

thanks for your praise, your drawings are quite beautiful too 😁.

What great photos, the best thing is that they are a great souvenir of Exis Alejandro's birthday! Hugs to you both! Hope to see you soon! Greetings to you both!

By the way, how nice that you are already using InLeo to post on SWC!

Thanks for your comment, the truth is that I was testing this platform that has caught my attention. I like it is quite fluid and you can share good quality content. ¡I love that you liked the pictures!


Tremendous photo shoot bro

thanks my brother, before leaving we took more pictures in the park 😁🦾.