in HeartChurch5 years ago

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God’s greatest investment in man is the breath of life which He breathed into man. His investment in man, which made man a living soul is the root of all man’s investment in life, it takes you to be able to invest in any spare of life. No one toils with any meaningful investment, every investment is cherished and nourished to enhance output. God does not toy with His investments and His breath in man is something He does not take lighty. “What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man that thou visited him?” Hebrews 2:6.
It is because of His breath in man; it’s an enormous investment. That part of God in man that gave man life is something God watches over.

God will go any length to uphold His investment. When the devil showed up to mess man up in the Garden of Eden; he wasn’t just after man, he was after God’s investment. God however proved to the devil, that no one can be smarter than God. He told the serpent right there and then –

“I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between her seed and thy seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel” Genesis 3:15.

The life which the breath of God gave to man is that of dominion and not of subjugation. That was what the death and resurrection of Jesus came to restore to man. God is after His investment and no weapon fashioned against you as God’s investment shall proper.

God will never lose on his investment. Samson played loose with God’s great investment upon his life; but at the end of it all, God didn’t lose. It was Samson that lost; because, he killed more Philistines at his death than at his lifetime. After all, the reason God invested that much on him, was to eliminate as much Philistines as possible.

With God’s great investment upon your life, be rest assured that there is a day of reckoning. The Bible makes it very clear, that each and every one of us shall give account of himself to God. You are accountable to Him, because His investment is the life wire of your being. If you choose to play now and cry later; it’s up to you.
