Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 205

This is a rockhopper penguin. I took the photo in Patagonia, Argentina, in the province of Santa Cruz. I was on a trip to the city of Puerto Deseado and there I found them. Rockhopper penguins are a species characterized by their distinctive crest of yellow feathers.

Este es un pingüino de penacho amarillo. Tomé la foto en la Patagonia Argentina, en la provincia de Santa Cruz. Estuve de viaje en la ciudad de Puerto Deseado y allí los encontré. Los pingüinos de penacho amarillo, son una especie que se caracteriza por su distintiva cresta de plumas amarillas.


They live on an island of volcanic origin called Isla Pingüino. It is a beautiful place, a paradise. In addition to the rockhopper penguins, the island is home to a great diversity of fauna and flora, making it an ideal destination for nature and photography lovers.

Viven en una isla de origen volcánico llamada Isla Pingüino. Es un hermoso lugar, un paraíso. Además de los pingüinos de penacho amarillo, la isla alberga una gran diversidad de fauna y flora, lo que la convierte en un destino ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza y de la fotografía.






See you soon!
Hasta pronto!

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Awww, they are super cool, that crest is so funny and yet make them look awesome.
Brilliant entry photo!

I would never have guessed that your first picture was that of a penguin, great picture.

That's right, it's a yellow-crested penguin.

Yellow-crested with a cool hair doo.

Nice captures! Love the first photo, this species is awesome; hope to see them live some day!

Thank you!