It got warmer outside. The weather has improved a lot. You can freely walk through the forest. The ground is almost dry. Today I am walking along the road to the forest and in a small park near the river I see how several jackdaws and rooks are pulling out paper lying there from urns.
In fact, this is their favorite pastime. Nearby they sell a variety of takeaway food. Many people buy and come here to sit on a bench by the river and admire the forest and ducks.
They put food packaging in the bin. When there are no cleaners, the birds fly up to the bins and begin to pull out everything that is there. People don't pay attention to them.
Birds pull out everything that is there from the urn and try to find food for themselves. They are already used to this activity. This allows them to easily find their own food.
Although it is warm now and it is not difficult for birds to find food for themselves, here almost everything is nearby and often in large enough quantities. Many people deliberately leave some of their food in the bird's packaging.
The only thing that creates difficulties is the constant rivalry between jackdaws and rooks for food. Each individual tries to be the first to take a place at the urn in order to get food for itself.
But it doesn't come down to fights. Birds solve peacefully issues of the food section. But there are very funny situations when birds try to grab food and fly away with it.
У вас уже весна. У нас до сих пор февраль со снегом и метелями...
Ну да, проще же по помойкам пошариться, чем искать пищу.
У них это постоянное место. Недалеко много мест, где продают всякую еду на вынос. Народ набирает, садится на лавочки напротив реки и смотрит на уток. Все обёртки от еды после ложатся в мусорку. Потом всё птицами вытаскивается, если вовремя не уберут. Работы уборщикам прибавляется.