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RE: Mind Over Matter? Choosing How You Age

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago (edited)

I've been reading this incredible book lately called Breath by James NEstor, and there's theories that your breathing is linked as well - it's not just nutrition and exercise - it effects your organs, bones, skin, everything. Highly recommend reading or listening on Spotify.

I hate seeing myself in the mirror. It NEVER matches who I am. And I have people that telll me I look younger or certainly act younger - I just don't equate ME with '53'. I definitely can't do what I used to, but I give it a red hot go. I have mates my age and older that surf and we always praise each other for just getting out there.

When I look back at my Nana at 50, I swear she looks 70! Was that the stress of ww2? Nutrition? Mindset?

Age disgracefully - yep, that's what I am gonna do.

I have found, touring Europe, that most young people are really receptive, and appreciate, older people as they see them as opportunities to learn and valid people in their own right. When we were kids we wouldn't be caught dead talking to old people unless they were our mates parents! I love the energy of people younger than me and don't relate much to people my biological age who are all responsible and grown up and shit.

Loved this post. Gee, when you write, you write!


Sorry for the late response, last week got away from me a bit.

It is funny how times have changed for sure. That said, I did used to talk to older people when I was a kid, maybe because I didn't have kids around me that I knew growing up. Our school was a bit of a distance from us.

I love that when I'm climbing all age groups end up talking to and encouraging one another. I often forget that I'm not as young as many of them and it's almost like they don't think about that either, because they'll have more belief in my abilities than I do myself. 😅

I love that you still surf with similar age groups as well. I hope you continue to for years to come. I certainly plan to make the most of my time here in this planet.