A couple of days ago, I wrote about the confusion and contradictions of human nature... and how confounding it can sometimes often be to navigate this world of ours.
No sooner said than done, I find myself confronted with new evidence!
Of course, I am always happy to make a sale from one of my online shops... but why on Earth would someone spend $45.00 on express shipping for an item they bought for $5.95?
Stuff like that just leaves me scratching my head...
But — I guess — to each their own!
In a distant past — when I had my retail store in Austin, Texas — it was surprising how many people would show up at the store on December 23rd, buy a $10 item and then pay us $30 to send it somewhere "in time for Christmas."
On the surface, you could just call it bad planning, but is there really anyone out there who's not aware that Christmas (and birthdays, and other holidays) pretty much falls on the same day, every year?
Of course, there's an "editorial comment" I feel inclined to add here... which is that a lot of these "last minute sho/ippers" were relatively poor people... who likely had been waiting for their most recent paycheck before they could afford to shop. Or maybe they had even taken out a so-called "payday loan."
And so, instead of spending $35 on the actual gift and $5 on shipping, they ended up spending $10 on the gift and $30 on shipping... in a sense, a nice visual representation of why most poor people are caught in an eternal and unbreakable cycle of poverty.
Of course, some of the people were undoubtedly wealthy... to which my only observation is "That $30 could probably FEED us for 2-3 days!"
My parents were pretty well off, and one of the lifelessons they passed along was that waste is waste, no matter HOW much money you have. In other words, waste is a thing that stands alone and aside from whether or not you can afford it.
One of my personal goals/ambitions/hopes for 2025 is to somehow crawl out of that hole of poverty at the edge of which I feel like I have been living for much too long... hopefully by finding something revenue generating that doesn't start declining immediately after I apply myself to it.
Being — as I usually am — a pretty late adopter of most things in the world, it is perhaps not surprising that I often find myself on the declining side of the development curve.
Great idea, but too late...
Which is why I am kind of stoked that Crypto hasn't become obsolete and outlawed yet... and hopefully will keep growing!
Moving right along...
I guess I am writing these words both as a bit of a "bookmark," as well as a reminder to myself that sometimes we just need to change direction... and try to find something that serves us better than what we keep pounding away at, with no indication that things are actually getting better.
I need 2025 to be better.
Better than expected.
The downward spiral that started in 2020 has to end.
Thanks for stopping by, have have a great final day of 2024!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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Created at 2024.12.30 18:40 PST
People seem remarkably more distracted now. Between life, devices, and never ending distractions it's not hard to imagine that people aren't planning their choices well.
I retired last year and am glad to be out of that grind - my Mrs. works from home so we are able to spend a lot of time together, or at least near each other. A bonus if you enjoy your spouse :)
Have you though what if any projects you might tackle in the coming year to generate more revenue?
People are very distracted. And the distractions are time consuming.
The Mrs. and I were talking about the time all the distractions take up in our lives... and she joked that there's probably an app out there to manage all the distractions, which is a distraction in and of itself that takes even more time out of our schedule.
We both work from home... and have for... well, since she was pushed out of Bank of America Corporate in 2008 for earning bonuses that were bigger than her salary. Idiocracy rules...
But we do really enjoy each other's company. And yes, that's definitely a bonus.
Not sure what direction I will strike out in... I may just use available hours to eBay the heck out of all the stuff we won't need when we move to a much smaller place in a couple of years.
positive thinking and energy are key in life
It definitely is a good thing, yes!
Interesting article and the image display that you show is also very beautiful.
Thank you.
@denmarkguy, I paid out 0.417 HIVE and 0.216 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.