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RE: My HiveFest Experience - ¿Dónde está Eddie Espino?

in HiveFestlast year

There are four things I need to avoid, and I did all of them at HiveFest. These things are: drinking alcohol, staying up late, getting stressed, and experiencing strong emotions. I need to avoid these due to the mental health issues I have. I tried not to dwell on it too much and took my medication as best as possible. So far, I haven't had any consequences, and I am much calmer now. My last crisis was over 14 years ago, and I feel that with all the care I've taken, I can continue without any problems. I don't have time (or money) for a crisis right now.

If I could read well between the lines, you were lucky not to have a crisis there. And I totally relate. 14 years is a long time not to have one, so I assume you don't break the rules often.

But I'm glad you could have a great time and enjoy Hivefest! :)