
Very well sung Gina.
I'm impressed!

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Thank you dad♥️

Hello friend!. Your voice is beautiful, I really enjoyed your singing. On the other hand, our community has some requirements, and the most important of them is that we indicate at the beginning of the video that it is a recording for Hive Open Mic, the number of the week and your username to validate your entry. Please try to work on this. Any of our featured users can serve as an example for you, just visit and support their work to find out. Have a happy day...

Hello 🙂, ok I will do this from now on, I didn’t realise sorry. I’m new to all this, so just trying to learn everything.

Gina nice to meet you 🙌😀💛, you have a beautiful voice 💖, welcome to Hive Open Mic, hope you enjoy this adventure, many successes 👍😉🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

Nice to meet you too.I will and thank you! Have a great day 🙂