Timelapses are fun to do. I have also myself done some from sunsets.
First one I did was with the timelampse function on my camera. But second time I directly switched indeed to making a ton of pictures.
So that I had better quality and also could grab a certain picture if I liked that one
Looks nice
i've bought a tool that also does the time lapse the Miops Smart , https://www.miops.com/products/smart works pretty well so far except for the camera battery being empty after 800 pictures , going to need more batteries :) and SD cards
Nice tool. I used pressing the shutter button with elastic band, and phone app. Because I cant use a remote trigger with my budget cam ( at least not the ones i would but then)
As cards are quite cheap luckely. Battery, thats another Story. I only did 20 till 30 min. So didn't have that problem