Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Hi-Speed Void Dragon

in 1UPlast month


Hi everyone, Welcome to my post. For this week, the post I bring you is not BATTLE MAGE SECRETS anymore but Community Engagement. In this Splinterlands Community Engagement, I will share one of my favorite strategies. I used to use this strategy in almost all battles as long as there were no restrictions that prevented it. This strategy uses one monster as the key, which is...

Void Dragon

When it first appeared, I wasn't very familiar with this monster. Because at that time I was still playing in the Silver league and could still play cards from UNTAMED EDITION in MODERN Ranked Battles. It wasn't until I went from SILVER to GOLD that I started to like Void Dragon.

At level 3, which used to be the maximum level that could be used to play in the GOLD league, Void DragonVoid DragonVoid Dragon to dodge all types of attacks. has an additional ability in the form of PHASE . This ability allows him to be able to dodge Magic monster attacks as long as he has a considerable speed difference. In the early levels, already has the FLYING ability which increases the possibility of dodging attacks from Melee and Ranged monsters that do not have the same ability. When these two abilities (PHASE and FLYING ) are combined, it will allow

Besides Void Dragon, there is also NightmareNightmare can make up for it with SPEED that is superior to Void Dragon. When UNTAMED EDITION could still be used in MODERN RANKED battles, I used Nightmare instead of Void Dragon when DRAGON splinter was unavailable in a battle. which also has PHASE . Although it does not have the FLYING ability,

Even Nightmare can be combined with Astral EntityVoid Dragon has so that Nightmare has the same possibility to dodge as him. which gives an additional ability in the form of DODGE . DODGE can replace the FLYING ability that

Increasing the SPEED

Although they already have a fairly high SPEED, to make the ability to dodge from only a few percent to almost 100%, they need help to increase SPEED, namely by relying on Summoners or monsters that have SWIFTNESS or SLOW abilities.

Chaos Dragon.If SWIFTNESS and SLOW abilities are not enough. I usually add monsters that have BLIND ability to reduce the attack accuracy of the opponent's monsters. And the monster that has this ability that I often use is

The reason I often use it is because, in addition to the BLIND ability, it also has SCATTER SHOT and BLAST which are not affected by the effects of the TAUNT ability and can deal damage to more than 1 target.

When Soulbound Reward Cards were introduced, there was one new ability, MARTYR . MARTYR gives a boost to nearby monsters when the ability owner is defeated. With that ability, many players including myself use it in conjunction with monsters that have the RESURRECT ability and or utilize the BORN AGAIN ruleset to grant an additional 2 times.

Winning Battles

1st Battle



Void Dragon in the first position as well as Venari MarksratThe ruleset for this battle was UNPROTECTED , KEEP YOUR DISTANCE , and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY . I put which has the MARTYR ability behind it so that it can be defeated first (because in EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, all monsters get the additional ability of OPPORTUNITY which makes them attack monsters with the least Health points).

Void Dragon and Chaos Dragon received an additional 3 times.I even brought 2 monsters that have the RESURRECT ability so that


Void Dragon was still receiving attacks from Djinn Oshannus because the SPEED difference between them was not too far. And even though the opponent had Wave BroodChaos Dragon casually targeted other monsters using its high attack power. with its TAUNT ability,


After Venari Marksrat could not be revived, Adelade Brightwing and Oshuur Constantia became the target of attacks from the opposing monsters. At that time, some of the opposing monsters had already suffered enough damage due to the random attacks made by Chaos Dragon.


Void Dragon can still survive until round 8 despite taking some damage. Most of the damage comes from the opponent's monsters that have a fairly high SPEED, while monsters with low SPEED such as Wave Brood and Spirit Hoarder always fail to land their attacks on Void Dragon.

2nd Battle



Void Dragon in the first position and decided to place it near Venari MarksratIn the second battle, I was in the UP TO ELEVEN , BLOOD AND SUNDER , and TARGET PRACTICE ruleset. I didn't place so that it would be the target of attacks from Magic and Ranged monsters that received the SNIPE ability from the TARGET PRACTICE ruleset.

In the first position, I use Arkemis the Bear which grants an additional 2 ARMOR to protect my monsters from the opposing monster's Melee or Ranged first attack that hits them.


Despite having Wave Brood, Chaos DragonArkemis the Bear and Void Dragon receive an additional 2 points to all their stats, plus Arkemis the Bear being in RAGE mode makes it have a huge SPEED. can still hurt other monsters without being affected by its TAUNT ability.


Until Wave Brood is defeated, Void Dragon only occasionally takes damage in the ARMOR section which can be overcome by Adelade Brightwing. Arkemis the Bear can still take damage despite its high SPEED because it does not have DODGE or FLYING abilities to overcome attacks from opposing Melee monsters.

I lost

This strategy is not without its weaknesses. From the start, FLYING ability already has opponents to avoid. If they encounter a monster that has the SNARE ability, the FLYING ability will be negated.

Recently, SPLINTERLANDS also introduced a new ability along with the new SOULBOUND REWARD CARDS. That ability is WINGBREAK . WINGBREAK ability will attack monsters that have FLYING ability first, and the damage taken is increased by 2 points from its basic attack power when it hits monsters that have FLYING ability. And below is one example of its defeat...



Chaos Dragon which has an even number of Mana points so I decided to use Flying SquidIn the EARTHQUAKE ruleset, of course, we will use FLYING abilities as much as possible to avoid the effects caused by this ruleset. Unfortunately, there is an ODD ONES OUT ruleset that makes me unable to use because I need the BLIND ability he has.


Despite receiving the addition of Venari Marksrat, Void Dragon still took damage from the attack of Night Reaper which has the WINGBREAK ability. Meanwhile, attacks from other opposing monsters failed to hit it.


Besides getting hit by Night Reaper, sometimes Void Dragon also receives attacks from Agor Longtail. Nothing to heal his health points made Void Dragon fall and my strategy was ruined because the opponent had not used the RESURRECT ability at all.



Agor Longtail.If you look at the example of the battle above, it can be concluded that the opponent (and also me) will be more vigilant when there is an EARTHQUAKE Ruleset that most players will bring monsters that have FLYING abilities. So they will bring other abilities that can overcome it such as WINGBREAK ability and SNARE ability. Unfortunately in the final battle, I forgot to bring a monster that has SNARE ability to overcome

When there is no EARTHQUAKE Ruleset, the opponent lowers their guard and switches to using monsters that match the ruleset. Maybe I'll use that opportunity to use this strategy to defeat the opponent.

That was the first post about the Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge where I share my strategy about Hi-Speed Void Dragon. If you find other methods to use this strategy or beat this strategy, you can write them in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting and reading this. See you in the next post....

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121