Social Media Challenge || Jared Scar

in 1UPlast month

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my post. In the Social Media Challenge, I will discuss anything about SPLINTERLANDS, it can be about cards, abilities, rulesets, battle reviews, End of Season results, or my playing experience.

I will recount a battle in which Uriel the Purifier was helpless against the onslaught of Djinn Chwala and Jared Scar.


Jared Scar

Jared Scar is a legendary card for the Life element. He is part of the CHAOS LEGION REWARD CARDS edition, the last edition of Unbound reward cards (while the editions after that are Soulbound Reward Cards).

Jared Scar has the BLOODLUST ability at level 1. BLOODLUST was previously an ability that could only be possessed by GLADIUS Cards and could gain an increase in all stats if the ability owner managed to defeat the target.

At the second level, Jared Scar gains the TRUE STRIKE ability that makes his attacks never miss even if the target has abilities that can decrease the accuracy of the attack (such as FLYING , DODGE , PHASE , and BLIND ) or have a higher SPEED than him.

Jared Scar only receives an addition to his Attack Power and Health points.At the third level, he received his final ability, PIERCING . PIERCING is an ability that allows its owner to perform attacks that damage ARMOR and Health points at once if the amount of Attack power is greater than the target's ARMOR (and does not have abilities that reduce the impact of attacks such as SHIELD , FORCEFIELD , and VOID ). Meanwhile, at the fourth level,




The ruleset for this battle is MANEUVERS (All Melee monsters receive an additional ability in the form of REACH ), TARGET PRACTICE (All Magic and Ranged monsters receive an additional ability in the form of SNIPE ), and WEAK MAGIC (Magic monster's attack will hit ARMOR first)


In the first round, Void Dragon directed its attack at Iziar while Chaos Dragon and Djinn Chwala attacked Uriel the PurifierJared Scar. Iziar and Djinn Renova defeated my Venari Marksrat but Adelade Brightwing revived it. That gave additional stats points to Void Dragon and Jared Scar, then Jared Scar directly attacked Uriel the Purifier. and the BLAST effect hit my opponent's

My opponent's Venari Marksrat defeated mine so Void Dragon and Jared Scar received additional stats points again. My Adelade Brightwing attacks my Iziar. The opponent's Jared Scar attacked Djinn Chwala and made him enter RAGE mode. But the opponent's Adelade Brightwing failed to land his attack on Void Dragon.


In the second round, Void Dragon was still directing his attacks at Iziar. Djinn Chwala and Jared Scar defeated Uriel the Purifier for the first time (revived by the opponent's Adelade Brightwing). Jared ScarChaos Dragon directed its attack at Venari Marksrat and the effect hit Jared Scar and Djinn Renova. received a stats boost (effect from BLOODLUST ) because he was the one who defeated the opponent.

My Adelade Brightwing directed its attack at Iziar. The attacks from Iziar and Venari Marksrat successfully hit Void Dragon while Djinn Renova and Adelade Brightwing failed to hit it. The opponent's Jared Scar attacked Djinn Chwala but the effects of THORNS hit him.


In the third round, Jared Scar defeated Uriel the Purifier again and received additional stats. Void Dragon, Adelade Brightwing, and Chaos Dragon attacked Iziar and hit the opponent's Adelade Brightwing.

Djinn Chwala attacked Jared Scar but he immediately responded by defeating Djinn Chwala so that he received additional stats. Iziar, Venari Marksrat, and Adelade Brightwing landed attacks on Void Dragon while Djinn Renova failed to hit it.


In the fourth round, my Jared Scar defeated my opponent's and received additional stats. Chaos Dragon directed an attack at Djinn Renova and wounded Adelade Brightwing and defeated Venari Marksrat.

Void Dragon and Adelade Brightwing attacked Iziar and Iziar attacked Void Dragon. However, the opponent's Adelade Brightwing attack did not hit Void Dragon. Djinn Renova who received additional ARMOR damage stats from Jared Scar.


In the fifth round, Djinn Renova was defeated by Jared Scar while Adelade Brightwing was defeated by Chaos Dragon. Iziar was only beaten in the sixth round with an ultimate attack from Jared Scar.



Battle Review

Either the opponent was not careful enough or too cautious, or maybe I was more fortunate to win this battle. The opponent used Ilthain which is specialized to counterattack Ranged monsters plus he brought Iziar which has VOID ability to withstand attacks from Magic monsters. This strategy might be specialized to overcome the TARGET PRACTICE Ruleset where Magic and Ranged monsters get additional SNIPE abilities.

Unfortunately, I focused more on using Magic monsters and brought 2 Melee monsters because of the MANEUVERS ruleset. The opponent also chose the wrong monster by choosing Uriel the Purifier which can only attack once every 2 rounds.

Uriel the PurifierUriel the Purifier a chance to attack in this battle.But I was lucky because I brought 2 monsters that had TRUE STRIKE ability so that 's FLYING ability had no effect on the success of their attacks and did not give


Those are the kinds of things I discussed in this Social Media Challenge. Thank you for reading to the end and see you in other discussions in next week's Social Media Challenge.

For those of you who are curious and want to experience how fierce the battles are in the Modern League but haven't joined Splinterlands yet, you can use THIS LINK.

Link to this week's Social media Challenge (Here)


NO HSBI to win? !LOLZ !DIY

I have explained in the previous post that the daily giveaway is now changed to only once a week. The goal is to increase HP and Liquid HIVE supplies to buy tokens.

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My target is to reach 1500 HP and then about 1000 HP I delegate to eds-vote to be able to get additional upvotes on each post. And I want to be able to have at least 500 LGN as additional upvotes as well.
If I can secure about $1~$2 per post, I will probably go back to doing Giveaways daily.

I don't understand I'm afraid... !INDEED How do you get more upvotes/HP when you're doing less giveaways? !WEIRD !DIY

I've been researching how I can get more upvotes/HP and doing Giveaways is one of them. Unfortunately, as time goes on, some entities consider Giveaways with no effort (just commenting "count me in" or something like that) and such a low reward is not something "good".

Apart from giveaways, several other ways can bring upvotes with large values such as:

  • Travel post (Look at Pinmapple community) >> I've never traveled or been on a trip, so it's unlikely that I'd make a post like this.

  • Holozing Community (one of them is making Fanart) >> I would love to get back to drawing, but the temptation to explore Stable Diffusion (AI) is greater.

  • SSG Community (Staked Silver and Gold) >> Unfortunately, I can't talk about gold and silver and the like. To be selected as a member and receive upvote benefits from the community account requires certain conditions.

  • Hive Learner >> just like SSG Community which requires conditions and one of them is must show real face (I can't do it because I want to remain anonymous)

  • Communities supported by OCD

  • Hold Token to get Upvote >> EDS, LGN, BRO, CCD, dll

  • HSBI

  • Burn/Send token to get Upvote >> HELIOS, NEOXAG, UPME

  • Upvotes from BuildaWhale, Appreciator, Curangel, etc. >> I don't know how to get them myself (maybe one of them is to get away from monotonous posts like Daily Giveaway and start making different posts and often visit and comment on other users' posts)

  • and there are many other possibilities.

But for now, I'm still hanging on to my Splinterlands-themed posts (I got over $1 on the Non-Challenge Splinterlands post) as well as trying my luck posting about PEPE POWER UP DAY and anime-themed posts on THE ANIME REALM.

@svanbo Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD@vrezyy! to your account on behalf of @svanbo.

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I just knew she was a keeper.

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<blockquote> <p dir="auto">Don't be shy - share some DIY! <p dir="auto">You can query your personal balance by <code>!DIYSTATS <span> <a href="/@svanbo">@svanbo just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear <a href="/@vrezyy">@vrezyy! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:


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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice