in 1UPlast month

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my post. In the Social Media Challenge, I will discuss anything about SPLINTERLANDS, it can be about cards, abilities, rulesets, battle reviews, End of Season results, or my playing experience.

In this post, I'll talk about the new features in SPLINTERLANDS and my battle to reach DIAMOND III.




1-CLICK SET RENTALS is a feature that has just been released by SPLINTERLANDS to make it easier for players to rent cards contained in the game. If players usually have to rent or rent cards one by one, with this 1-CLICK SET RENTALS feature players can immediately all cards in one particular edition in just one transaction (1-Click). Another difference is that usually, we can choose to rent cards for a few days or one playing season (12-16 days), then in 1-CLICK SET RENTALS it is only specialized for rental for 1 season.


Since it is relatively new, the number of cards and renters available is still small. The only editions available at the moment are CHAOS LEGION and the REWARD CARDS of the same edition (Non-Soulbound Reward Cards) (In the future, there will be many players who will rent out their card sets and there will be many editions available). CHAOS LEGION is currently playable everywhere, both MODERN RANKED and WILD RANKED. This will make it easier, especially for new players to choose which rank they are more comfortable playing in.

To access the 1-CLICK SET RENTALS feature, you can select the "marketset rentalsthis link). There are options such as CREATE to create your own set of cards and rent them out to other players, RENT to rent one of the sets of cards provided, and MANAGE to manage the rented set of cards." menu and select the "" sub-menu (or you can directly access it through

For more details, you can read everything related to 1-CLICK SET RENTALS at this link.




The ruleset for this battle is TAKING SIDES (NEUTRAL monsters cannot be used in this ruleset)

This was my last battle before heading to DIAMOND III (If I lost, then my rating would drop and I would still be at GOLD I). Because I was in the TAKING SIDES Ruleset, I couldn't use Venari MarksratVruzVruz is a Melee monster so he can attack before he is defeated. which I usually rely on to utilize his MARTYR ability. Therefore, I used which also has the MARTYR ability.

The opponent used Djinn Chwala as a TANK. This works in my favor because Djinn ChwalaVruz when he attacks Djinn Chwala. has a THORNS ability that can hurt or possibly defeat


In the first round, my Lira the Dark attacked Ravenhood Warden. Vruz tried to attack Djinn Chwala but he lost due to taking damage from THORNS. Despite being revived by Oshuur Constantia, Vruz was defeated again by the opponent's Lira the Dark. Void Dragon managed to injure Djinn Chwala and put him into RAGE mode. After that, Void Dragon received an additional 2 points in all his STATS after Vruz was defeated twice.

Silent Sha-vi attacks Cursed Windeku but it also takes damage from Cursed Windeku's THORNS. Chaos Dragon targets Carnage Titan and its collateral damage hits Djinn Chwala and Cabalist. Cabalist and Ravenhood Warden failed to land their attacks on Void Dragon.

The Void Dragon took heavy damage from the attack of Djinn Chwala. Although it was healed by Oshuur Constantia (it also attacked Djinn Chwala), Void Dragon again took damage from the second attack launched by Carnage Titan (the first attack failed to hit Void Dragon.


In the second round, Void Dragon managed to defeat Djinn Chwala. But he was immediately defeated by an attack from his opponent's Lira the Dark. My Lira the Dark attacked Cabalist. Meanwhile, Chaos Dragon targets my opponent's Lira the Dark this time and deals additional damage to Silent Sha-vi and Ravenhood Warden.

Silent Sha-vi attacked Cursed Windeku again though he also took damage from THORNS. Cabalist attacked Oshuur Constantia but she managed to heal herself and attacked Carnage Titan. The first attack of Carnage Titan and Ravenhood Warden* defeated Oshuur Constantia. Meanwhile, the second attack hit Chaos Dragon.


In the third round, my Lira the Dark defeated Ravenhood Warden while Chaos Dragon defeated Carnage Titan and dealt additional damage to Cabalist.

Silent Sha-vi attacks my Cursed Wind and takes damage from THORNS. Opponent's Lira the Dark targeted my Lira the Dark. Cabalist dealt massive damage to Chaos Dragon.


In the last round, my Lira the Dark defeated Cabalist. although Silent Sha-vi dealt damage to my Cursed Wind, it was he who lost due to the effect of THORNS. My opponent's Lira the Dark was defeated by Chaos Dragon.




The battle this time was quite dramatic because Void DragonVoid Dragon. encountered a troublesome opponent. The opponent uses monsters that have TRUE STRIKE and SNARE abilities where these two abilities are the weaknesses of

This time I was lucky enough to have a slight speed advantage so that my monsters could attack first and not give the opponent a chance to attack.

If I had a second chance, I would probably swap the position of Oshuur Constantia with Chaos Dragon* so that Chaos Dragon would deal damage to Carnage Titan twice in a row and be able to heal itself with the help of Oshuur Constantia.


Those are the kinds of things I discussed in this Social Media Challenge. Thank you for reading to the end and see you in other discussions in next week's Social Media Challenge.

For those of you who are curious and want to experience how fierce the battles are in the Modern League but haven't joined Splinterlands yet, you can use THIS LINK.

Link to this week's Social media Challenge (Here)


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