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RE: TRIGGERED: Trump Abandons NATO Summit After Video Leak

You have been completely brainwashed by Canadian leftist propaganda. The bank of Canada operates exactly like the fed except the canadian government borrows indirectly through banks at a much higher intrest rate. Canada has one of the most unsustainable economies in modern history with huge amounts of stimulus/QE starting in 2008. They have an enormous socialist government that will stifle its economy, half of ontario works for the government which is paid for by its printing press. 4.1 trillion in unfunded liabilities and an economy completely dependent on its housing bubble which has peaked. Both parties are socialists and will continue to propel its debt until it collapses. Chroni capitalism is a form of socialism which has enabled the fiat central banking scheme to grow in to debt basex tyranny.

The left believes that the human race is a horde of vermin whose unconstrained aspirations and appetites endanger the natural order, and that tyrannical measures are necessary to constrain humanity

We must reject antihumanism and embrace instead an ethic based on faith in the human capacity for creativity and invention.We must believe in freedom and not regimentation, in progress and not stasis, in love rather than hate, in life rather than death, in hope rather than despair.