Aceh Culture Week | PKA

in #history7 years ago

<p dir="auto">PEKAN Kebudayaan Aceh atau Peukan Reusam Aceh adalah sebuah even promosi budaya dan adat-istiadat Aceh. Pameran ini digelar di ibukota provinsi Aceh--Banda Aceh, selama satu pekan. PKA perdana dihelat 12 sampai 23 Agustus 1958. Kedua tahun 1972, ketiga tahun 1988, keempat tahun 2004, kelima 2009, keenam tahun 2013 dan PKA ketujuh rencananya akan digelar tahun 2018 ini. <p dir="auto"><strong><code>Aceh Culture Week or Peukan Reusam Aceh (PKA) is an event of cultural promotion and customs of Aceh. The exhibition was held in the provincial capital of Aceh - Banda Aceh, normally for one week. The first PKA was held 12 to 23 August 1958. Second in 1972, the third of 1988, the fourth of 2004, the fifth of 2009, the sixth of 2013 and the seventh PKA is planned to be held in 2018. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="IMG_20180321_213837.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h6>Forum Diskusi PKA 1 | Discussion Forum PKA 1 <p dir="auto"> <p dir="auto">Lembaga yang membidani PKA adalah Lembaga Kebudayaan Aceh (LKA). LKA digagas dan dibentuk oleh T.Hamzah, M.Junus Djamil, serta AK.Abdullah dan kawan-kawan, pada 15 September 1957, dengan semangat memperbaiki dan menghidupkan kembali adat-istiadat serta kebudayaan Aceh yang sempat redup di masa pra dan awal Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="IMG_20180321_214030.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h6>Arena PKA 1 di Komplek Museum Rumoh Aceh | Arena PKA 1 at Rumoh Aceh Museum Complex <p dir="auto"> <p dir="auto"><strong><code>The institution that birth PKA is the Cultural Institute of Aceh (LKA). LKA was constituted by T. Hamzah, M.Junus Djamil, and AK.Abdullah and friends, on 15 September 1957, in the spirit of restoring and reviving the mores of the Acehnese culture that had dimmed in the pre and early days of Indonesian independence. <p dir="auto"> <blockquote> <p dir="auto">"Bermacam-macam alat bunyian, seni tari, dan beraneka ragam seni suara dan sastra ada di Aceh. Ini semua menjadi penghibur sekaligus pengikat hubungan silaturrahim masyarakat dalam bermacam upacara. Tetapi, di masa pra dan masa awal kemerdekaan RI, khasanah seni telah banyak disalahgunakan, sehingga menimbulkan pertikaian dalam masyarakat. Bahkan, ada yang sampai melanggar susila dan agama. Masa insaf telah tiba.Disamping menempuh kemajuan pendidikan dan agama, kebudayaan pusaka nenekmoyang juga harus digali dan diperbaiki. Yang baik dan sesuai peredaran masa, akan dipupuk dan dan dihidupkan kembali. Yang tidak baik, melanggar agama dan susila, akan diganti dengan yang terbaik," tulis M Junus Djamil, Ketua I LKA Tahun 1958 dalam buku terbitan LKA tahun 1959 berjudul: <em>Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda . <blockquote> <p dir="auto"><strong><code>"Various musical instruments, dance art, and various art of sound and literature exist in Aceh.This all became an entertainer as well as binding relationships community in various ceremonies.But, in the pre and early days of Indonesian independence, that all have been widely abused , leading to dissension within society, even to the point of breaking morality and religion. The time to repair has come. In addition to advancing education and religion, ancestral heritage cultures must also be dug up and repaired. The culture and art with good value and according to the circulation of the times, will be nurtured, which is not good, violate religion and moral, will be replaced with the best, "wrote M Junus Djamil, Chairman of I LKA 1958 in LKA book published in 1959 titled: *Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda*. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="IMG_20180322_013926.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <p dir="auto">PKA perdana dibuka oleh Ketua Umum LKA yang juga Ketua Umum Panitia Pusat PKA I, T.Hamzah, di Balai Teuku Umar Koeta Radja, 12 Agustus 1958. Pawai Kebudayaan dalam PKA perdana itu juga disaksikan oleh Menteri Agama saat itu, KH. Iljas. Pada masa itu, Gubernur Aceh dijabat tokoh kharismatik Aceh, Ali Hasjmy. Sementara Komandan Kodam A Iskandarmuda, dijabat Letkol Sjammaun Gaharu. Dalam buku Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda, M Junus Djamil juga memaparkan, perhelatan PKA perdana berlangsung meriah, semarak dan menarik perhatian banyak orang. Bahkan, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan saat itu, Prof Dr Prijono, juga datang ke Aceh untuk melihat langsung PKA, dan menutup secara resmi even tersebut pada 23 Agustus 1958. <p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="IMG_20180321_214405.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <h6>Pawai Budaya PKA 1 | PKA 1 Culture Parade <p dir="auto"> <p dir="auto"><strong><code>The first PKA was opened by the Chairman of LKA who was also the Chairman of Central Committee of PKA I, T.Hamzah, at Teuku Umar Koeta Radja Hall, August 12, 1958. The Cultural Parade in the first PKA was also witnessed by the Minister of Religious Affairs, KH. Iljas. At that time, Aceh's governor was Aceh's charismatic leader, Ali Hasjmy. While Commander of Kodam A Iskandarmuda, Lieutenant Colonel Sjammaun Gaharu. In the book Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda, M. Junus Djamil also explained, first PKA took place lively, vibrant and attracted the attention of many people. In fact, the Minister of Education and Culture at the time, Prof. Dr. Prijono, also came to Aceh to see directly the PKA, and officially closed the event on 23 August 1958. <hr /> <ul> <li>Source Images: Repro from Book <em>Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Source Video <h4>Reference : <ul> <li><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"> <li>Buku <strong><em>Gadjah Putih Iskandar Muda karangan M Junus Djamil <hr /> <p dir="auto"><center>Thankyou 4 Visiting & reading this post<br /><span> Your friend <a href="/@musyawirwaspada">@musyawirwaspada <p><p><p><p>

Budaya aceh wajeb ta peukong, jaga beukong bandum syedara

Wah mantap sekali pak @musyawirwaspada.. ini lah sejarah kita di aceh