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RE: You Can't Be A Vegetarian

in #health7 years ago

This is really sad to say that people out there in the world are having such a thinking and mentality about vegetarian people round the globe. This is both sad and remorseful. It is not only in what we eat, it's about its long term effects. There is no animal who's meat or flesh is not eaten in one part of the world or another, every type of meat is eaten. Now can anyone tell me, how is human meat different then? Will you people start eating human flesh?
Moreover, the things that we use everyday are made up of animal products. Fine. When animals die, use them. We never favour anyone who kills to eat.
Vegetarian people are considered to be more in every aspect. You start going vegan and you'll feel the difference. You'll feel calmer. And positive.


Moreover, the things that we use everyday are made up of animal products. Fine. When animals die, use them. We never favour anyone who kills to eat.

Everything on this planet kills to eat. You need to read the article. I address all of your points.

So there will be one day when humans kill each other to eat? Will there be an extinction based on this event. The age old theory of survival of the fittest.. is it true? Is it what we should do? Is this all we can do to prevent humanity, or is this the only way out?
When I say, we never favour anyone who kills to eat, I do not mean the animals, I refer to humans. Moreover if we also do this what animals are doing, what is the difference between a human and an animal. I know te hnically we all are animals, but still we have a civilisation which animals don't have.

Do you vegans need to over emotionalize everything in order to make a point?

Yes if resources are limited any living thing can eat another one. Yes the survival of the fittest will apply. It still applies today on a smaller context. richer folk have it better than poorer folk. At the end rich genes propagate more than poor ones.

Humans are animals. I don't understand how you can excuse an animal from eating flesh but you can't excuse an human. wtf logic that? We all have instincts when it comes to food. not logic. Hunger, thirst, sex all these are instinctual mechanisms. You don't love somebody because you rationalize it. You don't drink water because you rationalize your humidity levels. Same thing applies for meat.

The only reason vegans are able to do it, and especially women, is because they tend to be more emotional about men, having less testosterone and thus being able to sustain is better than men.

On this planet, civilization or no civilization, the most adaptable survive and the rest perish. it applies everywhere in society, either you apply for a job or trying to nail a date at bar. everything has a price. everything has value and all of us have to play by nature's rules.