Immune 26 Hyperimmune Egg Review: Only 8 hours sick in 12 years

in #health6 years ago (edited)

My Biohacker review of Immune 26 Hyperimmune Egg — a surprisingly effective immune system fortifying supplement.

 This is actually one of the very first biohacking things I ever did back when I was like 17 or 18 years old. It’s an immune supplement that was quiet transformative for me.

So it’s been like 12 years since I read up on the science of this product, but I will try to describe from memory it’s mechanism of action… 

 So chickens have this really amazing immune system, I guess chickens are dirty, feral animals so they need a much more effective immune system and chickens pass these immunities to their chicks through the egg, obviously.
So some clever scientists exposed the chicken immunities to 26 different human pathogens, hence the name Immune26, and created this supplement that fortifies the human immune system. 

 I have an interesting anecdotal experience in regards to this supplement:
When I was a teenager, I was a pretty happy and healthy kid, but I would get sick with some normality, every couple of weeks I’d miss a day or two of school from being sick. It seemed to me that my mom and sister would get sick a lot and when they did sometimes I would catch the bug as well. Which I always thought was just normal… 

 Then my whole family started taking Immune 26 Hyperimmune Egg and we all stopped getting sick, it was a pretty acute effect — the supplement definitely worked for us.
However, the really interesting thing is that after about 6 months I completely stopped taking it and since then in past 12 years I’ve spent a total of 8 hours sick. 

 A very few times I felt a little under the weather, I felt something coming on but I’ve always kicked the bug. With one exception, I haven’t been sick enough for it to disrupt my work, travel, exercise or living the vampire life. Which is quiet a stark contrast to my late teenage years when I would get sick with some regularity.
When I worked in corporate America, the only times I took sick days was when I was just hungover and didn’t want to come in to work.Especially the past three years that I’ve been living abroaad, my immune system has really rose to the challenge. I’ve exposed myself, I’m sure to all kinds of interesting pathogens:

  • I’ve been slept in hostel dormitories next to sick people, innumerable times.
  • I’ve drank water from the tap, when I probably shouldn’t have.
  • I’ve ate weird food.
  • I made out with strange women, in strange nightclubs, in strange cities, in strange countries.
  • I’ve stayed on tropical islands and gotten all kinds of mosquito and bug bites.
  • I’ve basically been a porque no? (Why not?) kind of guy…

The time I did get sick…
The first time I was coming back through Costa Rica, I was traveling for like 2 days straight, and just ate crappy fast food and I got legitimately sick. When I arrived home I was bedridden for 8 hours.
That’s the only time in the past 12 years I’ve been bedridden sick.Now, I realize this kind of sounds like one of those too-good-too-be-true type anecdotal reports. This product has some good double blind, placebo controlled human studies done on it and the fact that it’s worked for me for 12 years is indicative that it’s not just a placebo effect and that it actually flipped the switch on something profoundly positive in my biology. 

 When I returned home to the states this time, I resumed taking it. Here’s another anecdote about the power of hyperimmune egg;
I had two days of international flights, during which I slept barely one hour. Upon arriving, exhausted and very hungry in Denver I discovered that two of the three family members I was staying with were quiet sick with some bug, one of them actually had to go to the hospital. To add to the challenge I was throwing at my immune system, the day I arrived was my brother’s bachelor party. I’m not the kind of guy that ever turns down a bachelor party — much less my own brother’s — so I got about 3 hours of sleep in the afternoon, awoke with a troubling horse feeling in my throat and went out to party. Sounds like a recipe for getting sick right? Well, I took some Immune26 and I managed to fend off whatever bug was plaguing my two family members and celebrate my bro’s last night of the single life! 

 The product its self is just a powder, that you can consume in your health shake or whatever, it tastes like eggs. Other than fortifying the immune system it dosen’t have any other very noticeable effects, although I think it makes you a little more energetic, especially in the mornings. 

 Mostly people who follow Limitless Mindset are interested in smart drugs and cognitive enhancers, which Hypeimmune egg is not — it’s one a completely different side of the Biohacking spectrum — but if this is something you guys find really interesting, let me know and I will create a more detailed video, with the cool animations about it’s mechanism. For now you’ll just have to read the scientific literature about it that I will link below this video.

 It’s a networking marketing, MLM, pyramid-type business model which is usually something I hate and totally avoid having anything to do with, but in this case the product has worked amazingly for me and it has some solid science behind it so I feel pretty good recommending it to…
Anyone who would like to get sick less. 

 It’s probably a really good idea for anyone that has young kids, because as you know, your kids get sick from some other kid at school, they can’t go to school, then you have to stay home with them and they get you sick.
If you want to support Limitless Mindset you can order it through these links and help me build my pyramid… ;) 

 More Details: This is i26 in its purest form with no additional ingredients. A whole food-based product which is 100% HIE Egg. Each can contains 31 servings. Because i26 is 100% egg protein it will not dissolve; instead it becomes suspended when added to liquids. If using cool liquids, use an i26 shaker cup or hand mixer for best results. i26 can also be added to any existing Shake or beverage you use. Add it to yogurt, cereal, ice cream, or to a smoothie. i26 is very versatile and can be used as an ingredient in any recipe that does not require heating. NOTE: Adding i26 to hot liquids may damage and destroy the larger immune proteins in i26. 

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The inventor of the most clever cocktail toast ever, former participant in a bank robbery, almost died underwater twice, raconteur & smart drug dealer.

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