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RE: The Harmful Parasite Living Inside of 250 Million Americans TODAY - Part 4

in #health7 years ago

Being very interested in this topic, I'm concerned with the wording in the article where it it talks about Candida as a parasite. I've been reading a book "The Cure for ALL Cancers" by Hulda Clark, Phd. She describes the role of chemicals such as Isopropal alchohol to disable the liver's defense against the Fluke parasite. The book doesn't refer to Candida as a parasite. So I think it's not a good idea to describe Candida as a killer parasite. It can be a killer, but I think it's classification needs to be reworked. Otherwise Excellent demonstration of health interest and discemination of ways to help cure people through PH adjustment.

Let me interject here that ozone therapy is a unique way to bring the body's PH to neutral. It won't make you too alkaline. Subscribe to my feed because I'll be talking more about Ozone Therapy, my personal experiences treating friends.