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RE: You Can't Be A Vegetarian

in #health7 years ago

Vegetarians and Vegans are light planets apart just so you know. Vegetarians eat/drink dairy and wear leather etc, vegans don't. You can't even put us in the same pot as we differ way too much. I don't even see the reason of being a vegetarian. However, I don't have anything against Vegetarians and neither meat eaters. I do think it's a shame that extremists like yourself exist because your propaganda does confuse a lot of people at the end of the day and confusion leads usually back to what people are used too. However the great thing about the planet is that time always moves forward and we evolve. And no matter how many thousands of you on FB get great joy out of humiliating young Vegans because they don't have an argument. Your invested time in hate is worthless because Veganism is growing like wildfire and meateaters, shall over time become the minority. It doesn't really matter what you post because everyday we get stronger and as a community we grow. I know that is something that gets a lot of meat eaters angry and they usually end up just insulting the other person, but unfortunately it's the hard truth. Meat eaters are becoming less and Vegans are becoming more and many vegetarians are also changing to Veganism. The simple truth is you don't run after a squirrel in the park, rip it's head off and eat it. If you put a small child in a room with an apple and a rabbit, the child will eat the apple and play with the rabbit. Those are facts. Everything else is not even worth talking about. The worlds strongest man is Vegan and now even the worlds strongest woman is Vegan. Those factors alone have already made such a massive impact in the weight lifting world, where usually a lot of you radical meat eaters hibernate. All the other BS propaganda that the meat industry and governments pay for is only applicable to the weak. Only the strong survive in nature, the weak get sick and die. I was a proud meat eater like yourself once upon a time, but once you understand how we're being lied to and you see the results, the facts, you realise that their might be a chance we really are being lied to. I was almost dead, and there was no hope, I wanted to even kill myself. Guess what, out of all the BS you get told to believe, it took me no longer than 5 days of just veggies to save and regain my life! One of my dear friends had stage 4 cancer, he had less than 3 months to live. Now because of people like yourself that have this mission in life to insult and put down as many Vegans as possible, I held back from saying anything about trying a vegan diet. Then one evening, I though fuck it, I'm going to send him the links , the proof, and simple fucking juice recipes! That friend simply wrote, thanks I'll look in to it. You know what is coming next... that's right, he didn't die! He became Vegan and suddenly his cancer disappeared. These stories are happening every single day, the meat industry are getting these stories deleted every single day. But when Jennifer no longer has Eczema because she went on a plant based diet, and joe rid his diabetes in weeks after becoming a vegan, etc etc,your propaganda, your argument becomes worthless. Real life experiences and results trump everything! When your community posts "the Vegan diet killed a baby" stories, it just makes us stronger because even the not so intelligent Vegan is 110% aware that a Vegan diet is healthier and millions of vegan babies exist and I will bet everything you own and double it that they're healthier than the meat/dairy eating kids. All you guys do is make our community stronger. So I would like to thank you for your effort, I think you might have titled your post completely wrong, as I'm sure you meant Vegans and not vegetarians. 4 years ago, as I went vegan, I posted it all on youtube daily. It was just 12 crappy videos and the people saw the real results. Those videos have helped 1000s of people rid their issues and thousands of them now have new lives. Lives they were told that they would never have. Every single day I get haters telling me it's impossible and it's all BS. Yet everyday for 4 years I get over 20 mails on average thanking me. So at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you and your followers believe, and don't believe. It's totally irrelevant, Veganism saves lives, that is what matters. It saves human lives and it saves animal lives. Yes I agree that many vegans love to push Veganism, no force veganism on to everyone like a religion and I know that pisses a lot of people off, me included. But unless you're a vegan it's hard to understand why they do it. A lot of these people like myself have had issues, they cured those issues, they feel better than ever before. I wake up and I literally have so much power, I feel amazing all day and simply because of that younger people want to force it on others. They don't realise that food is the most deadliest addiction out there, and 90% of you don't want to hear it. It's only when you hit rock bottom, like myself, like my friend and like the thousands that have given me feedback, it's only then when we have crashed a few of us look in to the facts and see results of others. But that's nature, and that is why I don't force Veganism on anyone. You can only change yourself, I can't change you. But keep up the good posts as this attracts the attention of many people and when just 1 person does their homework and becomes Vegan, then it's all thanks to you! cheers


Vegetarians and Vegans are light planets apart just so you know. Vegetarians eat/drink dairy and wear leather etc, vegans don't. You can't even put us in the same pot as we differ way too much.

The lunacy is much the same. Actually your guys differences shows how ridiculous you all are.

everything else you wrote are irrelevant rants.

The point is one and argued in the title. You can't be a vegetarian. Either demonstrate the opposite by counter arguing or stop spamming my wall.
