This is the reason I do not eat GMOs

in #health8 years ago

After reading another study presented unveiling once again the implicit dangers associated with the consumption of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), I have decided to be extremely careful and to try to avoid GMO food. According to many studies, important problems where discovered among those animals fed GMOs as part of their normal diet. One of the main discovery was that  they developed the inability to reproduce.

A shocking revelation! 

All the results have identified a link between GMO consumption and infertility in recent years. The main reason we can read the true and those conclucions, it was because they were conducted independently of the biotechnology industry. That is the reason they came to far different conclusions than most of studies offered up for mainstream consumption in defense of GMOs.  That is the reason big corporations, they do not want to have a label on their food saying: GMOs inside.

Using hamsters as the test subjects, scientists observed that consumption of GM soybeans provoked a slow down of sexual maturity and gradually eliminate the ability to reproduce. After  a couple of  generations, hamsters consuming the GMO soy lost their capability to reproduce. After several generations of cubs breeding with each other, the scientists observed that those cubs who ate GMOs as part of their diet, they became completely sterile. This happend just after three generations while those cubs who did not eat GMOs have a normal rate of fertility.

Are we going to become infertile after this widespread of GMOs consumption? It looks like it can happen to humans too!

An Austrian study published a similar result. They used mice that consumed GM corn. An immediate consequence among the mice eating the GM corn was that their offspring weighed less than normal, and after just three generations, mice  became completely infertile.

Farmer across the U.S. have also reported infertility among pigs and cows when they were eating GMOs while in India, farmers observed infertility and other serious problems among buffalo that were consuming GM cottonseed. 

We have now understood the reason they do not want to label thos products made with GMOs food. They simply want to cover this up.

Time to avoid at any cost this poison...

To read the study click here