Benefits of Jahe for Health

in #health6 years ago


Traditionally, ginger has also become one of the most widely used types of spices in various foods and beverages in almost all regions of the archipelago. In addition to warm the body, it turns out ginger has many other benefits, as follows:

Secara tradisional, jahe juga telah menjadi salah satu jenis bumbu yang paling banyak digunakan dalam berbagai makanan dan minuman di hampir semua wilayah nusantara. Selain menghangatkan tubuh, ternyata jahe memiliki banyak manfaat lain, seperti berikut:

Relieves Pain
Ginger has the property to relieve pain and inflammation, including muscle pain due to exercise is too intense, cramps during menstruation, and arthritis. The trick, make a drink made from ginger, turmeric, juice from 2 lemons, a tablespoon of honey, and warm water.

Meredakan Nyeri
Jahe memiliki khasiat untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit dan peradangan, termasuk nyeri otot karena olahraga terlalu kuat, kram saat menstruasi, dan radang sendi. Caranya, buat minuman yang terbuat dari jahe, kunyit, jus dari 2 lemon, satu sendok makan madu, dan air hangat.

Eliminate acne
Make you anxious because of acne problems, how easy it is. Grate ginger, then paste on the face of acne. The content of the substance in ginger helps eliminate acne and make the skin becomes cleaner and healthier.

Hilangkan jerawat
Membuat Anda cemas karena masalah jerawat, betapa mudahnya. Parut jahe, lalu tempelkan pada wajah jerawat. Kandungan zat dalam jahe membantu menghilangkan jerawat dan membuat kulit menjadi lebih bersih dan sehat.

Anti-tumor effect
Ginger has several substances that can fight cancer cells and reduce pain during chemotherapy.

Efek anti tumor
Jahe memiliki beberapa zat yang dapat melawan sel kanker dan mengurangi rasa sakit selama kemoterapi.

Normalize the composition in the blood.
According to research, regular consumption of ginger can normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can also reduce the risk of potential complications. Moreover, ginger helps to reduce the formation of blood clots and high blood pressure.

Normalisasikan komposisi dalam darah.
Menurut penelitian, konsumsi jahe secara teratur dapat menormalkan kadar kolesterol dan gula darah. Itu juga dapat mengurangi risiko komplikasi potensial. Selain itu, jahe membantu mengurangi pembentukan bekuan darah dan tekanan darah tinggi.

Ginger is excellent for preventing nausea and influenza.
It is also excellent in combination with parsley, celery, if you are preparing a salty meal.

Thank you for writing about the benefits @daroesman

Your welcome 😊

TNX (Thanks)

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I love ginger because you can use it in many dishes😋😃