Court Rules in Favour of Case Against Fluoride

in #health7 years ago

Today we talk to Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network ( about Food & Water Watch Inc., et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, a lawsuit that could bring an end to the practice of water fluoridation in the United States. We discuss the Toxic Substances Control Act under which the suit is being filed, how recent court rulings have allowed the case to proceed, and the incredible significance of the chance to depose the EPA's "experts" under oath. Please help spread the word about this exciting development.

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Even though it's laudable that some people fight this fight, I see it hardly as a "victory" of any kind.
Generations already have been poisoned and I'd say it is pretty fair to assume that even if fluoridation gets banned eventually,
they have already much "better" things handy to achieve even greater results for their agendas.

You have that exactly right. Check out our Bitchute video 'They Are Killing Us' which discusses this very topic. You can see it here.

I will, thank you. Followed :)

Thanks for the follow!

This is an ad we wrote that actually got played on New Zealand mainstream tv in prime time and we successfully defended all complaints against it lodged with the Advertising Standards Authority. They ruled in favour of Fluoride Free New Zealand in each complaint.

In deed, this is HUGE to consider the fact that EPA's "experts" will have to be under oath... Maybe, now, legislations will be able to catch them in their net?!? Thanks a lot for this highly valuable sharing which I upvoted and will share widely.

Namaste :)

This is a just a start, other cases too will be attended to. I am an Environmentalist also, the way most water and food company uses an unsafe method to purify their product is alarming. Good news, thanks for the news.

Good news, wow....Hope this will bring the end to the Fluoride in our waters.

About time, I really hope this moves along quickly it's about one the biggest examples of governmental injustice I can think of that most people just accept.

What most people don't realise is that even if you avoid drinking this toxic crap it still absorbs through your skin...

The powers that be are probably coming out with this now because sourcing their waste has become expensive. Also, they probably have something new to filter through our livers before releasing into the environment.

It's a good topic. many people are curious about it. in my opinion. it is not very harmful. It should only be used at the suggested amount. I am a dentist. we use it for dental health. and we get very useful results.

If the application of fluoride to strenghten teeth is "topical" (applied to the body part), it would not be necessary to add it in drinkable water unless fluoride lovers have another set of teeth to strengthen down their asses. Try imagine that for a moment :) ......They can burp both ways!

Thanks for sharing news

nice post dude .......... keep it up
and follow me please for good contant

Great news
I like it this dtube
Thanks for sharing health.....

But it's perfectly harmless and stops your teeth from rotting. The guys at the Kettering Lab in a study funded by Alcoa said so, so it must be true.

You need a reverse osmosis water filter to remove this crap from your water. Luckily desktop and under sink versions of these are cheap enough to buy nowadays.

What I find the most ridiculous is that it's all under the guise of "it's good for you" and only for a pretty archaic reason. Dental health isn't such a dire issue anymore in this country. I also don't think the government should be in charge of deciding, and forcing upon me, what they feel is "good for me" despite the many questions posed. Being in a scientific field I am continually shocked at just how "close enough" things are. We like to think that all outcomes are accounted for, all measurements taken are correct, and all decisions/actions are based upon a very precise set of inputs. That due to all of the research and metrics taken we know exactly what to do. Except when actually working in these fields it's utterly shocking just how imprecise things are. Seeing how much the human conditions enter into the equation and tend to muddy the precise calculations and metrics. So even using this precise science and carefully recorded calculations we still make grave errors. Look at NASA and the challenger mission. When we tend to think of these precise sciences, calculations, and engineering we think of NASA. An institution that has had to engineer the rocket science to make it to space, the calculations required to orbit other planets and use gravitational assist, and the precise calculations to launch and put a satellite in orbit. Let alone send a manned mission to the moon. Even in this highly scientific and precise engineering of NASA they also made grave mistakes. The challenger mission had engineers who opposed the launch mission. The day was unusually cold. Below freezing which was not ideal for a launch. An engineer was worried about the integrity of the O-rings on the rockets and their ability to remain intact due to the temps. Yet it was launched anyway. These types of human failure, either through calculations or oversights, occur all of the time in these fields.

So I have a hard time believing a few studies that say it's good when a bunch say it's bad. People make mistakes. The benefit from fluoride is minimal and minor. The potential risks far outweigh it. Why not just throw lithium in the water as an attempt to fix mental healthy? Or how about anti-obesity meds in the water because we clearly have an issue with that? Or how about blood pressure meds since the leading cause of death in the country is heart failure? We can easily see how this "good for all" way of thinking can clearly break down. To think in any other situation it's okay is insane.

Dental health isn't such a dire issue anymore in this country because of water fluoridation.

Incorrect. There is no correlation between fluoridation of water (or salt fluoridation) and and the level of dental health. This is demonstrated by a number of studies, including the 2012 Malmo University (Sweden) study conducted on behalf of the WHO.

To quote from the British Medical Journal;

“Although the prevalence of caries varies between countries, levels everywhere have fallen greatly in the past three decades, and national rates of caries are now universally low. This trend has occurred regardless of the concentration of fluoride in water or the use of fluoridated salt, and it probably reflects use of fluoridated toothpastes and other factors, including perhaps aspects of nutrition.”
SOURCE: Cheng KK, et al. (2007). Adding fluoride to water supplies. British Medical Journal 335(7622):699-702.

perhaps fluoridated rinses are the way to go and more people brush their teeth than once did but the benefits to dental health from fluoridation are pretty well documented.

"Water fluoridation has been called "one of the top 10 public health achievements" of the 20th century by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fluoridation is cost effective; for every $1 spent $38 is saved. Communities with fluoridated water are proven to have fewer cavities (see article from Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Summer, 2010.)

Removing fluoride from water results in a median increase of caries by 18% (see article from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, July, 2002.) Fluoride in water is easy to use as a public health measure because it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless.'

Latest figures from the New Zealand's own Ministry of Health show that non-fluoridated areas have healthier teeth than fluoridated areas. They don't advertise this, but we at Fluoride Free NZ try to :)

2015 Chch Better 8.jpg

I'm not familiar with those cities, go you have a graph to compare poverty rates in those cities?

Bar 2010 Year 8 Postive A.jpg

uh huh, and do you have a graph with the median income in those areas?

Much of the dental industry literature is based on the original aluminium industry funded researched performed by the infamous Kettering Labs.

Here is a table of results from the 2012 Malmo study


The note the absence of water fluoridation in the majority of the top 10 countries.

By the way, when we are talking about the addition of Fluoride to the water supply, it isn't pharmaceutical grade product, but an industrial process byproduct that would normally attract a large disposal fee.

Now if you wished to argue the benefits in using dental care products containing sodium fluoride as a topical treatment, that may be a different matter (although stannous or calcium fluoride are likely more effective and thus utilized in the more expensive toothpastes). However, after you have brushed your teeth do you swallow the toothpaste, or spit it out ? If ingestion of sodium fluoride is a bad idea then, why add it to the water supply ?

A bit of good news! Thank you for reporting on this. Let's hope it truly does lead to an end to water fluoridation!

Excellent! Great interview James, and thank you Dr. Connett and everyone else working on this. The way I see it, the argument against water fluoridation has two layers. The first layer is that fluoride is toxic, and it is insane to deliberately add this poison to the water supply. The next layer is what Dr. Connett says towards the end of the video: water fluoridation "violates our right to informed consent to medication." How dare they force this or any other chemical on people who don't want it. It is an egregious human rights violation that must be stopped and never allowed to happen again, whether with fluoride or anything else.

It is well enough that the people of this nation do not really know what substances are added to the water supply,for if they truly did...I believe there would be revolution overnight.

Sounds like a plot by the ADA to give everyone cavities.

Epic strike to the draconian control matrix. This should be world wide news, but it is relegated to the alt media and obscurity.
Thank you so much for you efforts to expose the facts to the populace.
Giant Hugs<3<3<3

Help them help us!
Let's do this y'all!

This is interesting for me because I met & befriended a woman 2 years ago and we spoke of our past. My story was I was involved in my union in the Detroit area in the 80's and compelled to push for NAFTA to save jobs. She was involved in Nevada politics at that time and was convinced to work for the approval for Fluoridation for Nevada to save teeth. Oh how hindsight can be painfully 20/20. Thank you Pres Trump for my hindsight, and Dr. Connett for hers.

The best thing I ever did to change my life for the better, was to stop consuming all fluoride. The mental clarity you gain in a few short months is absolutely not able to be expressed through words. Anyone who has not gone through getting the fluoride out of there system, and has just stumbled upon this information, please, please, please, consider this information life changing and weigh it accordingly.

Thank goodness for these people who are working on getting fluoride out of our tap water here in the US. The government has been forcing people to drink this chemical including myself as I grew up, now we have to get water from other sources or buy from corporations.

If you think fluoride is good for you, then just READ THE WARNING on your fluoride toothpaste. If accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. When the Aluminum Industry could no longer pour their industrial waste (fluoride) byproduct into our rivers and streams, due to it destroying plants and animals, they turned to us in the name of "cavity protection," to SELL us their toxic waste. Remember, this is backed by Big Money. Winning this battle is going to take a massive push to expose the scheme and educate family, friends, communities and our nation. Historically, you will find fluoride being used as a drug, where Nazi Germany put it in the water supply of their concentration camps to sedate the prisoners.

I hope we can stop the poisoning of the American people with fluoride. I use a fluoride free toothpaste and have an under sink filter to stop most fluoride from being in my drinking water but I can't afford a whole house filter. I want to get a shower filter because we absorb a lot of fluoride in our skin every time we take a shower.

i didn't get it - he said that the studies were done on a different kind of fluoride than is being put into the water, the EPA is just going to say that the studies are irrelevant....i hope he can make this stick!

At last there is hope, the adverse side of water fluoridation has been known about for years.

This is great news. Even though this platform is new to us, a good amount of our video work is centered around fluoride, the pineal gland, and "the program" we are all locked in. Keep up the good work! If you're interested in looking at us up and comers, here's a link for our steemit page.

Thanks for this video Mr. Corbett, Dr. Paul Connett. Is is true what I've read that fluoride calcifies the Pineal Gland?

get CRISPR cas9 or an alternative going and we could get another 15(++) average IQ, less diseases, better everything