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RE: Translation challenges : Toxic to Non Toxic substances

in #healing7 years ago

I am indeed aware of this book .
It was my first book on Karate when i was in my early teens. (Followed by The essentials of Karate by Masutatsu Oyama). ot only was it my first book on Karate, it was a major inspiration to study the things i have studied. I managed to get my first copy of it signed when i was 16 and visiting the Australian College of Natural medicine (or ACNM as it was called back then) for it's open day.

During this process , I have already come across a small number of herbs that no longer exist for or fell out of use for the very reasons you have listed above.

I agree completely, having the access to the resources of today and the accumulated generational knowledge of Herbalists from the time of shen nong to present. I also feel It would be negligent of me not to do so. I have no intention of falling into the tradition trap and equally no intention of discarding the understanding of the tradition.

The above pictured quote has many layers and is one of those that guide me.
Peace and Health to you Sensei Pantazi