
Haha haha thanks for the honesty 😆

Some things in life require honesty... like posts about blowing your nose on Steemit :P

You can definitely say that again. I totally agree, I think that everything in life requires honesty actually.

I'd say most things require honesty, but not all. Like there are certain things I wouldn't say to my boss, to a child, or in a job interview lol. But as a whole, honesty is the best policy :) I feel like we are losing focus on the nose blowing.

My rule is you can be 100% honest without being 100% open. So yes you are right! There are things that you cannot say to anyone based on many reasons... but always be honest.

100% honest without 100% open is good wording. Very nice :)

Writing a blog about that as we speak. Can't wait to share.

Haha, yeah I thought about that earlier when we began talking about honesty, but I was feeling a little lazy. I'll check it when you post!

Ha! Same here but 0NLY in the bathroom sink! Especially when I wake. I just think about conserving tissue you know, why waist! I can easily blow my nose in my hands then immediately wash them off lol
Sounds gross but it's really not! Just run hot water ;)

I have blown my nose like that in the shower....