How Did I Build A Grant Cardone Certified Wealth Creation Firm?

in #grantcardone6 years ago

My company, Wealth DynamX, is a Grant Cardone Certified Coach. If you’re reading this, chances are, you know who Grant Cardone is. He is a top 7 CEO in the world, the #1 social media influencer, owner of over 5,000 multi-family apartment units, and a hecta-millionaire more than 5 times over. Today I want to connect the dots between Grant Cardone and Wealth DynamX so you can understand how I became certified by Grant and what that means for you.

I first heard of Grant when I was 18 years old. I was a senior in high school and my Dad knew I was beginning to take an interest in business. I’d almost joined Amway and I was thinking of how I could own a gym. My Dad recorded a show called “Turnaround King” and told me to watch it. Little did I know at the time, the star of the show, Grant Cardone would someday become my coach, mentor, and partner in business. However, after watching the show, I did not hear about Grant again for another 4 years.

The second time I heard of Grant, 4 years later, I was operating a struggling financial services business. Someone told me to read The 10X Rule. I googled Grant and did not even realize he was the start of the show I had watched 4 years earlier. I didn’t know what 10X was and I knew I was terrible at selling, so instead I chose Sell Or Be Sold…and I hated it! I thought Grant was arrogant, pushy, and obnoxious. But for some reason I kept listening. I now know that the reason I hated Grant and the reason I also kept listening, was the fact that I knew I should have been doing the stuff Grant was talking about and wasn’t. I had to make him wrong because I knew he was right and I didn’t want to be wrong. I also knew I should and could implement the strategies from Sell Or Be Sold, which is why I didn’t stop listening. I listened, but I didn’t implement.

The third time I heard of Grant was a few months into the future. I expanded my business location from Alaska to Minnesota. I was bragging about being “national”, but what it really meant is that I lived in Alaska and was receiving overpriced leads in Minnesota. Every 2 weeks I had to fly from Alaska to Minnesota to go see the appointments that had been set for me and hope that I made more money than it cost me to go down there. This particular trip it would cost $2400 for a round trip plane ticket, a hotel room, a rental car, and food for a few days. I had exactly that in savings and was ready to go. It was February of 2015 and the week I was supposed to book my trip, our car broke down. It cost $2400 to fix. I had clients lined up to meet with me in Minnesota and no money to get down there. I was 21 years old and had my first credit card. I had just enough credit to book a one way ticket, a hotel room for a few days, and a rental car.

I went for it. I had put myself in the position that if I did not close a sale, I would not be coming home. I didn’t really realize that when I did it, but that was the reality. My obstacle was that I sucked at selling. Any sale I’d ever made was basically an accident. On the final night in Minnesota my rental car had expired and I didn’t return it because I hadn’t closed a sale. This meant in the eyes of the rental company, I had stolen the vehicle. I was getting calls that my car would be towed at any hour. My hotel room expired the next day. It was February in Minnesota and I had no car, no hotel, and no plane ticket home. I was legitimately on the verge of being homeless in Minnesota with no way to get home to Alaska. I was in my hotel room facing my reality and desperately looking for answers to solve this problem. I had one more appointment that night and if I could close an insurance sale I could get paid and use the money to get home. I went onto YouTube and stumbled across Grant Cardone again. He was in the back of a cab with his wife in a foreign company, telling the cab driver that he was responsible for his own economy and that he was in control of making more money. At that moment, I made the conscious choice to brainwash myself.

I liked my thoughts. I was emotionally attached to them. But the fact was that my thoughts and beliefs were about to make me homeless in Minnesota in the middle of winter. I decided instead I would think Grant’s thoughts. I didn’t like him, I disagreed with almost everything he said, and he was somehow winning. So I decided to get rid of all of my own thoughts and instead try Grant’s out and see how it worked. I memorized some basic sales skills from his website and went to my appointment. That night, I closed the sale. I was able to buy my plane ticket, return my rental car, and fly home. That was 4 years ago.

Today, 4 years later, I’ve been through Cardone University 3 times through, all the way and working on my 4th repetition through. I’ve read all of his books dozens of times, I follow the same personal development plan as Grant, I’ve met him several times, paid for my entire company to train on Cardone U, and have even hired my man Robert Syslo to expand my marketing. This has been 4 years of learning from Grant and Grant alone, and perfectly duplicating everything I learn. Because of that hard work and dedication, I was given the opportunity to become a Grant Cardone Certified Coach. So what did I have to do to become certified? Well it was 4 years of education (pretty much the equivalent of college), a $30,000 investment (not a loan or a payment plan. I dropped $30k in cash to get started), and lots of training with Grant’s team to become an expert at sales, business, and finance.

Uniquely, I have meshed this Certification with my financial services business. I’ve build a company that is Certified by Grant Cardone that offers Cardone University to all of our clients, helps clients save 40% of their gross income into a sacred account that we design for them, and help our clients secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their investments with private real estate deals. I know I have the most unique and powerful company in all of financial services. This means that my clients get trained and coached by a Grant Cardone Certified Coach, will save 40% of their income for investments, and earn passive income every single month. This is a for sure way to build wealth and is the only way of its kind to do this. If you are interested in becoming a client of mine, click here to get more information.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

To get started, go to

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Why doesn't anyone else comment or read your articles? You post some really good stuff. I am a fan of grant cardone myself and his 10x rule myself. Good luck to you and your businesses.