Special Steemit Collaboration With James Corbett - Just Shut Up and Believe Everything the Government Tells You...about EVERYTHING!

There are a lot of great people out there tirelessly fighting for individual liberties. They are thoughtful, well-researched, passionate about freedom, and basically, genuine human beings who actually give a damn - and show it by putting their money where their mouth is. One of those people is James Corbett.

and from the YouTube channel by the same name: https://www.youtube.com/user/corbettreport) Several years ago, he created a video that ended up going viral, in which he succinctly articulated the utter insanity of the official story pertaining to the events that transpired on 9/11. And he did it in 5 minutes. I consider it a youtube classic that should have many more views that it has received. If you'd like to see his original video here's the link:

A short while ago, I emailed James to ask him if I could use that video script as the script for my own video, realizing that he summarized the whole thing and said it way better than I could have. Of course, he graciously allowed me to use it.

James is a fellow Steemian @corbettreport ( Since it's quite apparent, by the box office hits of the Marvel and DC comics franchises, that people REALLY enjoy comic book-style story lines, I decided to create a video "comic book" with the ridiculous 9/11 official story line assertion that the U.S. government and mainstream media still want us to continue swallowing. So, combining James' wording and my video editing skills, here's the finished product. If you consider it a value to the community, consider upvoting, resteeming, commenting and, if you haven't already follow me here on steemit so you can get my latest contributions sent to your feed. Oh...don't forget to give James some love as well @corbettreport Enjoy!

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and alt text It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!


1st! Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

James Corbett is my 2nd favorite channel next to yours...just don't tell him, it would just break his heart that he's not my #1. L.O.L.

I keep hearing about how there is no smoking gun evidence - no eye witness has ever come forward to state that someone in the government gave the orders that resulted in the attacks. This is patently false.

During the 9/11 commission hearings, the Secretary of Transportation was with Dick Cheney, Vice president of the United States, and gave this testimony before the commission:

He did not understand the exchange, due to his lack of military experience, and confused what was happening with the orders to shoot down passenger airlines. Having 14 years military experience I realized immediately, while I watched this on cspan, what he had seen.

In the military, each command has what are called standing orders. These are orders which are to be carried out given a situation requiring them, without specific interaction with the commanding officer. Flooding, fires, or attacks are some of the situations where these orders are automatically carried out, before even attempting to inform the CO.

When the young man asked if the orders still stood, he was asking about new orders that superseded the original standing orders. It was the only logical reason to question the new orders. Since an attack on the Pentagon was about to happen, the standing orders would have been to activate all defences to protect the building. Since the attack was successful, with no defensive measures attempted, one can only come to one conclusion as to the orders that sill stood: a stand down order to allow the attack to be successful. The young man knew if the orders were carried out the result would be loss of life, and obviously was concerned enough about it to question the Vice President. Since Bush was reading his pet goat book in Florida, Cheney was in charge, and that is why the unidentified young man asked him if the orders still stood.

Minetta was, unknowingly, an eye witness to the Vice President committing treason, reported it to the commission, and it was completely ignored. This is without any doubt, the most damning testimony before the commission. I knew it was a false flag attack on the day I saw this testimony on cspan, and I knew that the Vice President gave the orders for at least one of the attacks, allowing it to be successful.

The above video is the smoking gun evidence that 9/11 was allowed to happen by the government.

The inaction by Bush's Secret Service detail proves that they were in the loop, and knew the President was in no danger, implicating the President as well.

Thank you for remembering to post this. Upvoted and resteemed. Do an interview with him sometime!