Thank you steemit!

in #goodbye7 years ago (edited)

If you've ever been surfing you'll probably understand even better what I'm going to say now. 

When I started to surf a couple of years ago, it completely changed my mindset and perspective. 

It may sound like a stereotype but I tell you from the bottom of my heart that it's true: surfers are relaxed people. 

The Ocean calms you down. 

Surfers really don't need much to be happy and fulfilled in their lives.

I totally love that kind of freedom!

When I started on steemit almost one year ago I was full of enthusiasm. I got really addicted and spent more time on this platform than in the water which was a huge commitment and true exception. 

Now things have changed. I've learned the hard way that being good makes you very vulnerable. People start to envy you and that makes them trying to find your weak points. 

I've lived that many many times in my office jobs, too. It's part of business. Especially when you are good at what you do. 

However, I haven't ever experienced something similar in the water. When you get better, your surf buddies start applauding and you celebrate your progress all together. 

It's a supportive community of positive people who bundle their knowledge and energy to simply have a good time. 

Since I started surfing and began to experience this outstanding ambient I closed a deal with myself: no more drama in my social life!

To me the main purpose in life has always been to have a great time.

On my way I've met uncountable brilliant and lovely people who have made that journey even more enjoyable. Isn't that the reason why we close social bonds? To make all this even more enjoyable? To share experiences, support each other and help us to become the very best version of ourselves? 

Everybody has a talent, sometimes you just need a friend who points a finger at it and pushes you into the right direction. 

Well that's at least my way of looking at it. No right or wrong. 

And that's actually the reason why I won't spend more time on this platform. 

My happiness level is considerably decreasing and I don't like seeing that :) 

People who don't even know me are treating me in a way I can't permit.

I haven't  joined this platform to end up defending myself. That's too much lost energy I could wisely spend surfing...:-) 

You know what I mean? It's a simple decision PRO happiness.

Please excuse the black and white. Here's my last picture for you (taken right now at the beach)...

Thanks to all of you! I've really appreciated this ride, I've learned for life and I hope you had a good time reading my stuff. 

The ones that have become my friends here know where to find me still...;) We'll keep in touch no matter what!

And now I really feel good which means that it's the right decision to take a creative break. Cool. 

Big hugs & kisses

Marly - 

In the meantime you can find me surfing the Ocean in these videos on YouTube.

There are 2 pages

This is sad news indeed. Though I don't understand the background, I hope you will reconsider. Not for us, not for Steemit, just for yourself. It's been intense on here, it takes time and hard work to produce anything of value and you've certainly done that. It's taken you away from your true passion, the sea, surfing...but perhaps you might find a more sustainable balance?! As to the dark underbelly of social media, if you encounter someone who offers nothing constructive, just ignore them. Don't allow them to chase you from what is potentially a lifelong source of income, information and community. You owe no one an explanation for what you have achieved so far, it's in the blockchain! The evidence of your worth and mettle is plain to see. Hopefully you'll take a break....a very good thing to do, and come back! Even the sea throws out a few curve balls every now and then, it is a place where you need to fight to survive on occasion. It might help to depersonalise negative blowhards and ignore them....they would be like that with anyone. All that being said, obviously do what feels right to you. Big love.

Great reply @benjojo - I also hope she will re-consider. Agreed with all you say above.

Yes, she will reconsider it :) Time solves many problems.

I totally agree with @benjojo! He said it all!

The only thing I can reply is that I agree on everything you said. You didn't miss a single point :)
The difference between the sea and this platform is that there is no fight. You can't ever control a wave because you don't need to. You can only learn how to surf it. I know that I could learn how to surf these vibes here. But I don't want to :-) It feels good to look back and see that I've come that far. Makes me leaving with a huge smile on my face.
Again thanks for your lovely words.
I will remember this comment as one of the nicest I've ever received :)
Big hugs and take care!@benjojo! What a beautiful comment. It really touched me. Thank you so much!

Really great reply! I hope you come back soon! Really enjoyed your blogs... There will always be people who don't like what you're doing, don't like your personality, or the reason why you're doing something, but there are many more people who think opposite! So maybe take a small break from the trouble here, you deserve it! I'm still looking forward to meeting you and the others at STEEMFEST²! ;)

I'm going to miss your posts, but I totally get you! Life is too short to be anything but happy and whatever makes you unhappy are the things to get rid off! Too bad you had such a bad experience lately! Good luck in everything you do and enjoy the surfing and life (which you certainly will) ღ xxx

Thank you so much Amy!!! You totally hit the nail ;)
I'll reconsider my decision in a couple of months. Until then I'll do exactly what you said: have a blast!
All the best 😍

Enjoy and you have my support when you decide to come back! If not enjoy the surfing and everything else you do!

That was sweet! Thank you 😌

Whoa. I seriously hope you brought a lot of that happy to folks around here, and I really think you inspired a lot of people along the way. That being said, I respect your decision and hope you continue to find happiness in other places!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!
If I could at least inspire one person then my mission was totally accomplished :-)
The idea was to provide people with some positive vibes here, and according to all these lovely comments it seems that a lot appreciated that.
Good! So it's definitely the very best moment to go.
Have a great time and be happy :-)

Ich weiß, dass dies dein endgültiger Abschied von steemit ist. Du bleibst dir treu und ich bin wahrscheinlich ähnlich konsequent wie du. So bleibt mir nur, dir alles Gute für deine selbstbestimmte Zukunft zu wünschen.
Ein Punkt bleibt aber noch offen. Du weißt, was ich meine.

Du triffst den Nagel auf den Kopf. Es ist zu 100% eine "ich bleibe mir treu Entscheidung". Ich bin einfach nicht cool genug, um mich jeden Tag mit Menschen auseinanderzusetzen, die mich in irgendeiner Form versuchen aus der Reserve zu locken. Im Job ist das OK, aber ich habe steemit immer als Freizeitvergnügen betrachtet, und in meiner Freizeit brauche ich keinen Stress.
Ich weiß, was Du meinst. Und dieser "Punkt" bleibt unverändert :-)
Alles Gute bzw. "bis bald"...

mute button!
Take it easy girl)@surfermarly I don't trust my own eyes, you decision is very sad n sudden. Please take some rest, catch the best waves and return to community. If someone envies or threatens to you, just press

No more buttons, just waves my friend :-)
I'm sorry but I'm not cool enough to deal with assholes on a daily basis, haha!
My whole life I've always prefered to spend time with nice people. Why should I change that now? For money? Not at all :-) Waves are free so here I am.
Have a great time @elviento!!!

I totally understand you, but think it is sad that your leaving steemit, I just recently found you here and was like, finally someone sharing stuff I like to read about. I´m following you on instagram , enjoy freedom and free waves :)

I'm overwhelmed by the feedback given and will definitely reconsider my decision after a couple of months. But now I need that break to calm down and recharge batteries.
Enjoy your time, too! See you on instagram :)Thank you so much for your kind words @leneg!

Yes, recharge and check in in a while, you are as you can see most welcome back! :) I signed up for steemit last august, and had a break for 8 months because I´m as you are very aware about my valuable time, and back then it din´t keep my interest. Right know with the changes here lately I don´t feel like writing a blogpost here. I rather spend my time chasing the global goals where I can contribute, that is of value for me :) But I´m not leaving steemit. Enjoy your time, see you on instagram!

A break is always a good idea. Sometimes we need to pause and free our minds to then come back and see things with different eyes.
My account is untouched and will be. So doors are not closed. The feedback on my goodbye post will definitely make me reconsider everything in a couple of months...;)
See you on Instagram in the meantime! Send me a message there if you don't mind to follow your account back :)

Trust your instincts:
Follow them to, or away from, wherever they direct you.
Good for you in your decision to say goodbye rather than simply ceasing to post and moving on... you have demonstrated very considerate compassion for your readers in your decision.

Take care, be well, and keep loving your life both on land and at sea 🌊

Thank you very much! I appreciate your lovely words.
That's totally my way to go.

Think, Feel, Act.
That formula never fails ;)

Big hug

I hope that one day you decide to return when you feel the time is right.
Take care Marly.

Never say never.
Give me some months of surfing and then ask me again :-)

There are always some who try to spoil the party. Sorry to hear they chased you away. I hope it changes

No problem at all. I'm just not used to deal with assholes on a daily basis, haha! That doesn't happen in my real life and I don't need it online either ;-))
So here I am, happy and surfing again. Life is good when you know how to...
Best of luck for your journey and keep on steeming!

You are a courageous human and I applaud you for that...
I don't have to wish you luck, because you obviously know the secret to a life of happiness.
Kudos to you, Marly!!! :D

Thank you very much quietbear.
I've always tried to be consistent in my decisions.
A good decision is the one that makes you smile - this one does :-)
Have a good one!


Your blogs have always been honest, interesting, and real. It's a shame to not be seeing your posts anymore, but good on you for realising what's best for you right now.

Best wishes, Asher.

Thank you Asher. I know. You've been here all the time and I really appreciate your outstanding support.
It's been a blast riding that steemit rollercoaster, but now I'm a bit tired of spending too much energy defending myself and fighting back. Some people are just here for the bad, and that won't change ever. I'm here for the good so these things just don't match...
Just coming out of the water, had my first surf after three weeks. Wham! What a feeling!
Have a great time and enjoy life

Had a swim today too, the ocean is a great and where you should be often.

Wishing you all the best in this life!

Have a good one!
I'll reconsider my decision in a couple of months and probably I'll be swimming on steemit again some day.
See ya

I want you to be happy above all things, and I can see by the way that you have wrapped this up that this is what makes you happy. I have written you five times since I saw this and ended up cancelling my message each time, because I realize that my replies are very selfish. I simply don't want you to go because you are removing a bright light from this place by doing so.
I love you my kindred spirit, I know we will talk still. (Don't Go!) Okay, I guess I still had to say that.
Big hugs and kisses to you.

Only you would be reason enough to stay. I'm sorry having made this decision which is much more selfish than you asking me not to go.
But you even came to know me in person: I just wanna enjoy life and have a good time with nice people, nothing more and nothing less.
I can't permit that anybody affects me in a way these people have done. I worked hard for this blog and the fact that they tried to tear that down is enough to go before things get even worse.
I leave because I have a great life outside steemit's borders. That's the difference between these people and me. I am happy without the money ;-)
Love you to the moon and back!
Marly-My dear @dreemit!

I don't want to be the one that convinces you to stay and then you are miserable for it. Life is too short to do anything that makes you unhappy.
But if you change your mind down the road, decide to do this only for fun and ignore rotten people, I know many will be happy. (Especially me!!)

Whatever you choose, I love you to the ends of space! To infinity and beyond!

You are so sweet honey!
Give me some months to catch waves, free my mind and recharge creative batteries. Right now I feel exhausted and not capable to spend any more time blogging here.
Let time heal it...;)
But you know I'm there and we can talk all the time on shitty Facebook haha
Love you more!!! :-D

I know where to find you, love - and I sincerely hope we stay connected. I love your energy and passion. And you know what? FUCK THE NAYSAYERS! It pisses me off that good people feel compelled to leave because of negative bullshit. I'm still hopeful. I still believe in the platform. Sometimes I really can't stand people....and I really love people in my own anti-social, awkward, dorky way.

My hope is that this is not a permanent good-bye. I hope you'll be back again and bringing sunshine and the beach to us; those who live vicariously through people with amazing positive energy. HUGS and I'll catch you on the outside. XOXOX

Gosh I will miss your humor badly!
But you know what: sometimes it's better to say goodbye when things are still alright instead of trying to fight and then end up completely exhausted.
I've always favored being the smart one that gives in first, especially when it comes to defending my happiness.
Yes you know where you'll find me and I know that, too! Ha! :)
You're amazing!
Biggest hug and see you@merej99!!! You're the person that made me laugh most on this platform, do you even know that?!? ;-)

I've been following you for just a month and you have been so inspiring and motivational to my wife and myself. I hate to think that your adventures won't come across my feed any longer. I understand, though, that anything in life can sour even if only just a little. Take the time you need. The ocean is a wonderful thing. I don't surf but I am a diver, so I know how much awesomeness it holds. But please, stop back in and update from time to time.

I really appreciate your words. The past days were not easy for me here on steemit, and reading all these encouraging posts really uplifts me now.
There will be other surfers that are going to fill your feed, everybody is replaceable in this world. So I hope that surfer girl is reading my comment and preparing her self for the game :-)
Have a great time and send my best regards to your wife.
Big hug, Marly -Hey @goatgarden! That was such a lovely comment. Thank you so much!!!

Te vote pero preferiría flagear este post :( Qué pasó? A quien hay que darle tres cocotazos para que te deje tranquila? Como que te vas? Al menos vas al SteemFest?
A mi me parece un poco que quizás fallaste solamente a la hora de balancear entre Steemit y otras cosas... tomate un descanso (yo lo tuve en Cuba sin Internet ;) ) y seguramente podrás ver todo esto desde una nueva perspectiva...
Igual si pasas por Berlin avisa y si voy a las islas esas donde tu vives te aviso :)
Como decía esta canción de cuando era niño "No lo dejes caer, no no mama, no lo dejes caer" :) Beso

No es un problema de balance. Es una decisión a favor de una vida feliz.
En el trabajo es inevitable que uno tenga que enfrentarse a gilipollas. Pero en mi tiempo "libre" puedo elegir no tener que hacerlo.
No es la primera vez que alguien del grupo alemán empiece a tirarme mierda. No dejo que alguien rompa lo que he montado en un año. Así que prefiero largarme del campo y dejarlas encontrar otra meta.
La mentalidad alemana es muy torcida. Buscan problemas en las vidas de los demás para no ver a los propios. Es muy habitual y uno de los motivos principales por los que me he mudado al extranjero hace 5 años. No puedo con gente que es así.
He llegado muy lejos aquí. Mucho más de que me hubiera esperado. Así que ya he alcanzado más de lo que hacía falta, ni hablar de las personas de las que algunas hasta se han convertido en amigos.
Soy más que afortunada. Ahora cojo ese gran regalo y me voy con una sonrisa y feliz a seguir viviendo la vida que siempre he vivido.
Steemit fue una experiencia pero no es algo imprescindible para mí. Hay tanto que hacer y que ver...
Seguimos en contacto!
Un abrazote Juanmi y gracias por dejar ese comentario y la canción tan bonita

jejejeje es verdad que los alemanes son asi un poco... la vida es tan fácil y sin problemas que necesitan crear problemas donde no hay o como decimos en Cuba "ahogarse en un vaso de agua" ;)
Nada niña, disfruta tu tiempo libre, en eso también tienes mucha razón!
Se te quiere, besotes y nos estamos viendo

Jeje lo del vaso de agua me encantó!! :)
Hasta entonces, besote!

That's a shame @surfermarley, you seemed like a sweet honest person. I strongly recommend you ignore people and just post when and what you want to post. Ignore the comments and make the site your own. But you do what makes you happy and I wish you all the best :). If you change your mind, we will be here.

I can't ignore people. I rather prefer to get involved, share ideas, cooperate, help and learn from each other and raise by lifting others. Even though the majority of people here has appreciated that there are still enough who don't. I'm not here to justify my doings or defend myself in such manner. Money makes some people mean. I can't help them. I don't have time because I need to surf :-)
Again thanks for your support!
Big hugThank you very much for your lovely words, @whatageek!

Slow a little bit down and come back when you feel better.
Die Atmosphäre ist gerade einfach etwas bissig und das wird sich auch wieder klären :-)
Ganz liebe Grüsse aus Berlin und nimm dir das sind nicht so zu Herzen ;-)

Now things have changed. I've learned the hard way that being good makes you very vulnerable. People start to envy you and that makes them trying to find your weak points.
good people rarely to think how to harm other so they do not know how to defend herself from bad person. Sadly she quit from this community. @lichtblick, that is why good people always harmed by other people, because

Big hug and keep on rocking!Hey @happyphoenix! It's not that I don't know how to defend myself. I've done that - and you can see it on the blockchain :) However, it's that I don't need to. I prefer to spend my time with people and things that fulfill me - not the ones they constantly challenge me. Challenge is good in business but not a necessary thing in your private life and free time. That's at least my way...

It's not the atmosphere, Jochen. It's the people. I don't need to prove anything here. I've come very far - much more that I ever expected. My life was a blast before steemit and it's going to be one after it. Friends are not the people who follow you but the ones that stand by your side, whatever happens. Lucky me I've already found them many years ago ;)

Big hugs my friend!
Keep the good stuff coming.
Much love to Berlin

Yeah and now it happen what I was meaning whole time.... the quality editors will all leave because of the community - you can earn on every social site, they not with their poor life & content. In fact on one normal come min. 6 idiots here - when that will not leverage soon Steemit will definately get the "Kevin blockchain".

I'm just one who leaves.
There will be thousands joining only today. In a few weeks nobody will even remember my name ;) (It wasn't Kevin!!! Haha)
I just don't want them to remember me as somebody angry trying to defend herself but the happy surfer soul that tries to motivate others and finds pleasure in their success as if it was her own.
That's why I leave now.

Thanks for your infinite support and laughter! Find me on Facebook and we'll stay in touch. You know there is a round of golf pending ;)

Big hug

of course!

What bring me the thousand poor writing others - lol. Nobody is interested in fucking flower pictures :)

oh... just delegate me your power till you are down & I kill his account - I have nobody here from now what need to remember me as happy guy :)

No need to kill anybody.
I'll send you surf pictures then :-)
Be a happy guy.

Well, here I am, almost two weeks late, and not able to believe my eyes. I guess I am pretty much always "a day late and a dollar short," and I am sad to read such news. Especially sad to think that anyone on Steemit would make things difficult for you! :O

My dear Marly, I have always wished you the best of everything, and will continue to do so. I hope you find the most excellent waves to surf, and that you catch one for me once in a while. I will continue to add to my Surfing Library Shelf, and hope you'll visit it once in a while.

Take care, and please, if you recuperate and come back to add more excellent surf (and other) stories to your blog, drop me a note?

Wishing you much love and blessings,


> Big Hugs <



Hey my friend!
You're not too late. Not at all.
I've reconsidered my decision and will be back on steemit in a couple of weeks. However, I will fully enjoy this break. There are many freaks out here, and since I'm completely new to this (blogging) business I had absolutely no idea how to deal with that. I've learned during the past weeks that even though you only spread love and happiness and positivity it doesn't mean that everybody responds in the same way to you. There are a lot of people full of envy and hate, frustrated due to whatever that only find joy in attacking others.
I bet if I met them in person they would behave in a completely different way. The internet (their "second personality") provides them with a certain security, and they feel safe while playing their roles. But hey, life is learning. Isn't it? :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving these kind words.
I'll be back soon. Promised :)
Big hugs and kisses!!!

Thanks for the good news, Sweetie! :D I feel much better now.

Also glad that you get a break! ;) Hugs and kisses back, take care! :)

@surfermarly - Kommando zurück, Rückzug wird nicht akzeptiert. Da geht man früh schlafen und wacht mit so einer Nachricht auf. Lass uns mal sprechen! Steemit with you is a place with lower happiness quality

I know Uwe. That's the reason why I'm leaving. I just came to be happy that's all...

Good luck in that #deutsch channel. All the rumors are true...;)

We keep in touch as we've always done.
Big hug & kiss

Please stay - a community has all kind of people - some things happen and you should just stand above criticism - better to ignore some things sometimes. Am not good in that as well - please let me know what i can do to make you stay!?

Nothing Uwe. It's all good :) No worries.
My life was awesome before July 2016 and it's going to be the very same after June 2017.
I'm very consistent with these decisions.
Keep on rocking!

You can not leave as you booked your flight to Steemfest already - please re-consider your decision!

I will cancel these flights, no problem :-)
"If you wanna make God laugh tell him about your plans."

😮 i have just met you and now you are leaving the ship? From what i understood because of others judgements? Why? And you will cancel the flight? And the Nazaré waves? Do what you need to do but please, view that as some kind of spiritual retreat to regain energie and then return in full power mode. Please @surfermarly

Maybe i should follow you, will see next week

Geazzz @surgermarly, we just became friends. Hmmm, I can totally understand where you coming from, I have a lots of social media followers and the Hate is great... you can see it all around social media.

I found out early in life is that people will always have opinions and hold people down, regardless what we do.

Hope you change your decision, give it some time. Would love to see you back here with your awesome blogs.

If somebody knows about how to deal with a large followership then this person is probably you.
I know that all what we're talking about seems to be the "regular life" of successful people in social networks. But if it's the case then it's not my world at all. I don't enter any social bond where I constantly need to explain or defend myself. Neither in digital nor real environments. For what? Money? I don't need it. Waves are free :-)Thanks for that, @stackin!

Thanks for taking your time to comment, I really appreciate that.
To you this is a business so you are able to deal with all circumstances in a different manner. To me it was leisure and amusement until it became something different.

Best of luck for your journey even though I know you won't need it ;)
Marly -

Sad to see you go. You are original and definitely not over valued. I have always valued your posts. The community decides what value to put on certain posts. You always have my 100% vote.

There are some here on Steemit that say people shouldn't retire on Steemit earnings. Yeah, well if those people get out of the way, then everyone would be able to. I retired on mining years before this thing existed. Just playing here. I should play outside more too - get back to the ocean and dive!

I will miss seeing you on my feed !

Thank you very much for your encouraging words on outstanding support, I really appreciate them!
It's not been the first time that I thought about quitting.
Most of the time I had a blast, but lately people are getting very nervous and aggressive. That is simply not my style. I came here to have a good time. Since I can't pursue that aim here anymore, I'll find it somewhere else (e.g. in the Ocean, correct).
Just coming out of the water, and life is good :-)
Big hugs and best of luck!

@surfermarly reading this has just broken my heart. I was expecting to see your latest post on my feed as I enjoyed reading your posts especially your adventures. I only wish that you will ignore side talks and do your thing here . I even mentioned you on my post today due to I see you as one of my favourite blogger. Think of the beauties of the sea and all the beautiful things you can share with us ...leaving will make negetive energy win..du bist stark!!!! Pls come back,,,please.

Oooooh that was sweet 😉 I will check your post right now.
Good news: I'll be back on steemit on Monday with a new video project, so stay tuned 🙂
Happy happy weekend☀️☀️☀️

wow, its 1am here in Germany but I will drink a Vodka (and I dont drink) just to celebrate your return....hooray!!! hooray!!! hoooooooooooooray!!! Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am very happy that I will go surfing in my dreams...Bless you and looking forward to seeing your post on Monday.

LOL!!! So in the end it's my fault that you were hangovered today, right?!? Haha
Thank you. What a sweet comment!!!
See you on Monday and be careful with the Vodka :-)
PS: Germany? Are you German after all? Ich glaube Dir kein Wort, ha!

Hahah Ich hab dich sooooooooooooooooo Lieb!!! Meine süße

I woke up with a bit headache however thanks to honey , I feel great again. Hope to see you on your amazing bikini surfing like a dolphin...

Haha! I don't believe you're German! This sense of humor is definitely NOT German :-DD
See you soon, crazy Charles!

Welcome Mein Schatz . Ich bin ein Franke.
I am looking forward to your posts and for us to swim with dolphines in badewanne
wish you well and glad that you feel great -my dearest one.

i will write about this tomorrow. it is getting out of hand especially now on steemit when the going seems good. You shouldn't have to defend yourself. i don't know what exactly has happened but i can feel it is related to what i will finally come out to write on. Fears held me back before now but now it is time to talk!

Don't get yourself into trouble, Terry. Opinions are not very well supported on steemit. Think about it before doing something you might regret. I did the same mistake.
Best of luck and thanks for the wonderful time my friend. It's been a huge pleasure being creative with you! You remember when Dan Larimer quit and we started the user animation program? ;) Many good memories!
Big hug

Hahaha, i know of the troubles but we have to quit the fears! Left you chat to say hi. @dan isn't fully gone.

OK then do what you have to do :-)
Best of luck, Terry! You're a good one.

Hey Marly,

I never had the chance to know you or follow you for a long time, but hey looking at your posts you seem like a real fun person who loves to enjoy life. I try to enjoy life too, through various stupid ways but I always try to enjoy it to the max.. so it's sad to see a fun person just leave like that, I'm sure many of your followers will hate that as well.

But hey, take a break. Enjoy surfing. Do what you enjoy the most. Stop thinking about your social life and steemit - you have every right.

But if you ever miss it, come back. Make a post or two, wave at everybody. I'm sure it'd be nice. :)

Now go and have some fun! I've never been a surfer but I love all kind of sea sports.. anything + sea is just amazing!

Have a great day.

Thank you! What a nice and uplifting comment. You are right: life needs to be enjoyed to the max!
That's why I can't wait to be back in the water again.
Have a great time and a happy life. We only live once ;-)
Big hug

You too dear! Hugs!

Marly that was a really sad post. We enjoy reading about and seeing your experiences.

I can understand that there are frustrating aspects of putting up content and all that but maybe you should just take some time away and some back at a later date.

We will miss you if you decide to not post.

Thank you so much Brian! I actually didn't want to sound sad, just focused :) My very best and longest friend (25 years) would say now: "I'm too old for that kind of shit." :-D Maybe that is a less sad way to explain my motivation though...
Keep on rocking and posting these great pool meetings!
Big hug

I can understand your thinking though. If you are able to just live the dream and ride the waves and not have to worry about anything else that is the life!

Maybe someday we will see you again!

I wish you the best. :-)

Thank you! :) The same to you!!

Sad to see you go I reallly enjoyed your posts. I hope to see you back soon.

Don't be sad Stephen, because I'm not either ;) Life is like that. People come and go. I'm sure you'll be all doing great here and some other surfer girls will take over and spread some salty vibes :)
Have a good one!
Big hug

I am new here and I understand where you are coming from. There are some toxic people on here and it will never be a genuine platform of friends if everyone wants something from you! Basically, it is the equivalent of your surfer buddies wanting your surfboard every time you meet up with them! Well. the same as you are doing now, you would not surf with them anymore! There was a girl on here that had a 25th birthday post on here a couple of weeks back and my girlfriend which is new said Happy Birthday. Her reply to my girlfriend was, well what are you going to give me. While her post was worth in the $1,500 range. This community will not last if it is just people begging for upvotes and I followed you, now you follow me posts! You know what is kind of fun, read a blog that is worth some money, then read the comments at the bottom to see who even read the damn thing and who didn't and call them out. I have done that a couple of times and seems satisfying! Well, good luck and maybe all you need is a little break and realize if you look through the 95% BS, there is 5% that actually is paying attention!

Wise words!
Thing is these surfers don't want my board, they have their own and don't care. As I said: it's a different world. You can't compare it to any other social community. Where else do you meet strangers and connect right away without any prejudice?
I know I'm asking for very much, and steemit won't ever be able to fulfill that. However, I'm convinced that I can at least ask for some respect.
Give me some months of surfing to forget about these birthday bloggers, recharge creative batteries and think about everything. Then I will reconsider my decision. My account is worth some bucks so I definitely won't simply shut that down. It took me one year to come so far.
All the best to you and your girlfriend! :)

Sorry to see you go, but I see a big wave coming, so get ready to catch it.

I caught it today's morning! One of the best waves I've ever felt below my feet, haha!
Thanks for stopping by once more. I've always appreciated your tireless support.
Have a great time! Big hug

All the best in your next adventures. It was nice to read your posts.

Marly, I am so glad to have meet you on Steemit.
You are a very inspiring lady. You are one of the first people that really stood out to me when I found out about Steemit.

I am glad you have been able to make your decision to move on and change things up.
You have to do what makes you happy :)

Thanks so much for sharing your life and your awesome stories here.
Much love! <3

Thank you very much for your encouraging words! After having received uncountable messages (on steemit and private) of users that hope that I don't quit definitely, I've decided to reconsider my decision in a couple of months.
I need a break now, but also know that steemit has always been a place where I enjoyed spending time. I'll go surfing, breath some salty air and then I'll think about everything again.
Have a great time and much fun!

Well I'm glad I got to know you a bit. I did notice those people were getting to you in the other blog. You know you can come back. Catch the waves and make sure your board always has it's shirt on when out of the water. Remember those people giving you a hard time won't last and will fall away. Keep your pass secure. I'll be hoping to see you in a future time. Bye for now.

Haha, yes I'll make sure to wear more clothes in the future :-D
Thanks for making me laugh.
I've appreciated your tireless support a lot!
Have a great time

I feel sad hearing this news because I honestly enjoyed reading your blog. Though I do not know you enough, nor been on this platform long enough to know exactly how you mean, but I feel you and i am happy that you have found your way. I think it's always the right decision as long as that decision was made by you, and only you. All the best!

That's it. We are our choices.
I really feel good after having made this decision. It's not the first time that I thought about quitting, so I was already familiar with my PROs and CONs :-)
Now I'll be surfing again every day which is simply awesome!
Have a great time and best of luck for your journey

I love your stories and amazing videos, I will miss them.
But freedom is in doing what you like. If you feel yourself more free and more happy without us - this is your choice.

Thank you very much for your nice and encouraging words.

I've reconsidered my decision. Messages like yours, the ones that have been written in this blog post, in direct messages, calles and the following article have made it impossible for me to not reconsider it 😉

I'm currently working on a new video project. Once it's finished, I'll be back... See you soon.

That's better! Will be waiting for your new post👍🙂

Nooo...but why? Now that I've joined and you wanted to start the school. If you really decide to go, we would be sad. If you want to come in some special place, come to Munich, we can have a coffee and then you can surf 😊 we have a small creek where there are surfers whole day long, whole year round. It's called the "Eisbach"

I've been living 10 years in Munich and will be there in September :-D
No kidding right? Me neither! Haha

Ach so, wusste ich nicht, die Welt kann manchmal so klein sein!😎 Toll! Dann sollten wir uns unbedingt treffen 😊

Sure! We'll do a steemit meet up. Just keep in touch with @uwelang. I will meet him as well. We can see each other all together then ;)

Ok, thanks for the tip! Will do!

Hello @surfermarly, I think I know where the issue is, I have gone through some of your post and you haven't been sharing about your surfing experiences, is where you share your passion with others and possibly get a vote for it. Write for your passion and not the money. Its true that people with poor content are been voted but still passionate quality contents still thrive. Give it another try

I've always been posting about my passion. If it wasn't surfing then traveling or poker (s. my last articles). The basis of my stories has always been passion and dedication. I couldn't write about something that doesn't kick me. But thanks for the observation anyways, I appreciate that!
Let's see if I'll be back in a couple of months. Now I need definitely a break!
All the best

Aww, man! I just started and your posts were some of the first I really enjoyed. Your experienced in Vegas were edifying in the best sense of the word.

Sorry I didn't comment sooner — I was putting off everything until I had set my avatar and posted an introduction.

All the best. If you ever want to surf the best waves in the world (OK, maybe only "some of" the best waves in the world), drop us a line down here in South Africa.

Thanks for your nice comment!
I'm not off forever. So maybe we'll see each other again in a couple of months.
Until then: best of luck and take care! :)

Don't let those who seek to tear you down, win. Stick around, there are more of us that like you than not.
Besides, I was looking forward to meeting you at Steemfest! 💜

I can't believe you are leaving :(
I love reading your content.
It is so fun to read about your travels.
Please come back! :)

Don't be sad. I'll reconsider everything in a couple of months.
Until then: be happy 🙂✌️

Gotta do, what'cha gotta do... :)) Be well, my friend!

Thanks my friend! I'll always remember the days when we were doing poetry. Great times :)
All the best to you!

I really enjoy your posts so I will be sad to see you go. You provide value to this platform and are one of the few people whose posts are always enjoyable and fun to read. I really do hope you decide to change your mind.

Reading all these uplifting comments (including yours) really makes me happy.
It was my purpose to provide people with some positive vibes through my blog posts. Some appreciated that. So my mission was accomplished.
Now I will dedicate my time to a new project. steemit has taught me for life, so I'll take a big bag of knowledge and experiences as well as some really nice social bonds with me.
All the best to you!

Hi @surfermarly, I don't think I have ever commented on your posts before, although I have been voting on a number of them. I respect your decision, but I just want to say, don't let a few people who don't like your posts and give negative comments let you give up this platform where you have been doing well. You do have a big following who do like your posts.

Don't worry. It's not that they are winning and I lose. It's actually the other way around. While these people will desperately continue trying to be as successful as I was here on this platform I will have a Piña Colada at the beach paid with the money they gave me for my my blog posts.
I'm really sorry for the people who will miss my positive vibes, but I' sure there will be more surfer girls joining steemit in the future and do a good job :-)
Again, thanks for your kind words and support, I really appreciate that.
Best of luck for your journey!Thank you very much for your support and lovely words, @rynow.

Thanks for the nice reply, and all of the best.

I hope your next journey will be best for your life.

Thank you very much!!!
My life has been awesome before joining steemit and it's going to be awesome afterwards :-)
It's been a pleasure and honor to be part of this project right from the beginning. But I know when it's time to go and leave some space for the next blogging generation...
All the best to you!

So I'm just getting to read this as I did take a very short break from Steemit but from what I've been able to gather, I'm believing your return date is very near (it's been 9 days since you wrote this post).

Was looking forward to seeing you at SteemFest and I hope I can still do that. No one can really tell you what to do but maybe take a break instead of leaving.

Absolutely. That's actually the new plan (taking a break).
So yes, see you at Steemfest :)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great one.

See you @surfermearly I'll miss you. @surfermarly

Thanks my friend! :-)
Have a great time and see you some day somewhere...

I wish you the best in your new adventures!

Hey! Even though I don't know you, nor have I read your posts. I would like you to know that there are the good and the bad in everything. That is meant to be, to keep a balance in life. You can't always expect everything to go good you see.
There may be assholes, but you don't need to deal with them. Just ignore them. That's what I do. Whenever you are good at something, there are always that jealous bunch that tries to pull you down.
Now that you're quitting Steemit, it's like "Mission Accomplished" for them. Do you want that to happen?
I'd suggest you reconsider your decision @surfermarly. I'm nobody to ask you to stay, but sharing just my 2 cents from what I have learnt in life. Cheers! :)

Thanks for the lesson. It seems that you haven't read well my article but that's fine. It's funny how many people believe that I should stay on this platform to demonstrate something. Is it your reputation that would be risked? No, it's mine.
Steemit was an experiment to me in order to improve my writing skills. I've achieved more than I could have ever imagined. I earned even more money than in my real job a couple of days. Weird! Mission accomplished and experiment successfully closed.

Who else but me would know what is the best for me?
I know it's hard to believe but billions of people exist happily without a steemit account ;-)
Again thanks for trying, but I've made my decision long time ago and I'm quite consistent in that sense.
All the best!

Yes, do what is the best for you. :)
And whatever you do in future, I'd like to wish you the best!
Keep smiling and stay happy cuz that's what matters the most!
Cheers from a fellow traveler :D

I couldn't have said it any better 😍
All the best traveler!

Wirklich schade, dass es hier Leute gibt, die dir den Spaß vermiest haben. Ich habe zwar nicht jeden Post von dir mitbekommen und die nervigen Kommentare erst recht nicht, aber ich kann mir denken, was du meinst.

Ehrlich gesagt, wollte ich dich in den letzten Tagen immer mal wieder im chat anschreiben und fragen, wie dein Buchprojekt läuft, hat mich doch sehr neugierig gemacht.

Wirklich schade, dass du gehst. Vielleicht hilft dir das zu lesen, dass ich glaube, dass viele hier neidisch auf deinen Erfolg waren. In meinen Augen ist das nichts schlimmes. Denn ich glaube Neid entsteht, wenn mir jemand zeigt, was möglich ist und ich nicht glaube, das ist es erreichen kann. Oder anders gesagt, du hast den Menschen ihr Potential auf gezeigt und auch, wenn es schmerzhaft für sie war, war es unendlich wertvoll. Herzlichen Dank dafür.

Mögen Glück und Zufriedenheit weiter wachsen in deinen Leben.

Vielen Dank für Deine tollen Worte.
Neid an sich ist in der Tat nichts Schlimmes. Das Problem beginnt wenn Menschen nicht wissen damit umzugehen. Mann kann Neid leise mit sich selbst ausmachen oder seine eigene Limitierung und den dadurch entstehenden Frust auf die Person projizieren die man beneidet.

Ich habe mich aus beruflichen Gründen mal sehr intensiv mit diesen psychologischen Mustern beschäftigt, daher erkenne ich sie sofort.

Im Business kann ich super damit umgehen weil ich mich dann einfach voll auf den Job fokussiere. Hier in einem Sozialen Netzwerk verschwimmen aber die Grenzen zwischen dem was Business und Privatperson ist.

Wenn man im Job an die Spitze will, wird man wenig Freunde haben. Hier auf steemit versuchen wir beides zu bekommen und das geht nicht.

Ich entscheide mich nun einfach dazu steemit als Erfahrung und Projekt abzuschließen und mich (und jetzt komme ich wieder auf Deinen Kommentar) erneut meinem Buch und natürlich dem Surfen zu widmen.

Meine Familie und Freunde kamen in letzter Zeit auch etwas zu kurz, und in ein paar Tagen hab ich auch noch Geburtstag. Gibt also genug nachzuholen und zu feiern ;)

Alles Liebe und Gute für Dich und nochmals Danke für Deine Worte

Gibt es denn einen Weg, dass ich über dein Buchprojekt auf dem laufenden bleibe? Das würde mich schon sehr interessieren. :)

Das ist ja lieb. Klar! Auf Instagram (hast Du einen Account?) heiße ich auch surfermarly, und da poste ich garantiert meine Updates ;)

Hey Marly, this is the first time i have come across your profile so I hope you stay.

Mute the negative people who are trying to bring you down. That is crazy that I even have to say that but, that's just how people can be no matter where you are I guess. So just ignore them and don't let them take away something that you love.

I hope to see you around here again!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a motivational post!
Give me a couple of months and then I'll reconsider everything :)
Good luck to you!

Good luck to you and well wishes in your happiness. I've not received any harassment, but have seen much the same bs practices, ass kissing, and other crap that goes into other social media. A shame on a platform that is supposed to be new and uplifting. I generally ignore it, post my music and go on. Chase happiness surfer girl.

I've done it the same way. But when they start to group and attack you all together the fun time is definitely over.
I'm not here to entertain others in such manner.
Give me a couple of months, some smooth waves, oxygen - and I'll reconsider everything.
All the best to you!!!

Thank you :-)

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