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RE: Fat Down, Money Up (Resolution Report #1)

in #goals7 years ago

Great job my friend. The hardest part is starting. Hopefully you see these resolutions through. 2 weeks down and still going strong. If I may offer up some advice, maybe look more at your body composition rather than weight. 10pounds of fat is dramatically different than 10 pounds of muscle. Composition is far more important than the number on the scale. Either way glad to see you’re sticking to it. Keep it up


Thanks. Sticking with it has always been harder for me than starting. I definitely want to lose the layer of fat that seems to be spreading all over me Year after year. I’d also like to reduce the circumference of my waist a little. For me, the number is just something to shoot for and the real goal is receiving the other benefits that come from exercise.

Keep it up. It won't be easy, but then again, nothing that comes easy is worth doing

Very true!