First cloned primates πŸ’πŸ’

in #genetic β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

First cloned primates

After Dolly, the first cloned sheep, scientists have cloned small monkeys. I saw a report yesterday on television about it, it's amazing, is not it?

This is very good news for medicine, although being against the free abuse of animals, I find that to advance medicine is a good thing although to see animals unhappy in cages do not please me not if it can save children or parents then in this case, it's still a wonderful service they give us.

I am sensitive about medical research since I had a skin cancer at age 30 a few years ago while my second son was only 6 months old and I have a big risk to catch breast cancer because there is a lot of history in my family ...

On the other hand for all that is test on the animals for make-ups and others, I am completely against obviously because this kind of experiments is not vital.


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Chinese researchers have for the first time cloned primates using the techniques that made it possible to create the Dolly sheep more than twenty years ago.

The originality of this new method lies in the use of epigenetic modifiers used to reprogram the gene pool of the donor cell. This modifier, which is an enzyme, is therefore used to make a kind of epigenetic reset of the cell, which erases the marks related to differentiation.

This scientific breakthrough could help stimulate medical research.

The cloned little monkeys are called Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. Their names are derived from the Chinese adjective Zhonghua meaning the nation or the Chinese people. They carry the same genetic heritage, like homozygous twins, while they were born with a few weeks apart in a laboratory at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.

These are the first primates to be cloned through a variation of the method used for the birth of the Dolly sheep in Scotland in 1996.
At the time, it was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell taken from the udders of an ewe.

Since then, about 20 other mammal species, such as dogs, cats and pigs have been cloned, but primates have proved particularly difficult to clone.


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Medical hope

According to scientists, populations of genetically identical monkeys will be useful for research on human diseases. This would allow, for example, to be able to observe the impact, on one of these monkeys, of the modification of a gene linked to human pathologies and to compare its state of health with macaques with the same genetic inheritance before the alteration of the gene. in question.

The idea is to accelerate the identification of genes and genetic processes that cause genetic diseases to better address them.

Chinese researchers want to develop animal models all identical, close to humans, to test treatments against neurodegenerative genetic diseases.

The problem is that this cloning entails a certain cost since it takes a lot of tests before it ends, indeed, for the two small monkeys for example, according to statistics, it took 417 oocytes, including 109 embryos created from fetal cells and 190 from adult cells. Only 28 pregnancies were obtained, 4 have come to term and only two macaque babies are viable. The chance of success is between 1% and 2% of trials, for the only method that works and that scientists know for the moment.

So it is not yet tomorrow that we can cure diseases by studying clones.


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There is a difference between the cloning of sheep, pigs or dogs and that of a primate. Indeed, primates being closer to humans, primate trials in the West must pass a thorough ethical review, without which approval can not be obtained.

Some worry that after the primates, the men will be the next mammals was cloned for medical purposes but that could lead to drifts.
Scientists reassure that they will not extend this cloning technique to humans ...

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Excellent for science, but what is it scary to see that ... It's not a novelty certainly, but it's a step higher, again and again ...

First let me say very sorry for having skin cancer at the age of 30. Interestingly, with the rapid advancement in medical research especially on cloning and stem cell, we hope the future will be bright. Thanks for sharing such information on cloning.

Thank you 😊

earlier we could only dream about cloning. This was a fantasy that was often shown in movies or scientific journals. Now with the development of science and advanced technology, we are witnessing what was previously impossible. And one such achievement is cloning.
Indeed, there are many opposing opinions on this matter. One such morality is in such experiments. Many people do not like the fact that animals suffer in such experiments, and yes .. I think this is a minus.
But if we look at the opportunities that cloning provides in the future, we can not deny the benefits.
I also like the recent experiment when scientists managed to grow fully artificial meat, which by taste qualities resembles meat of animal. I think the future will surprise us.
Thanks @lndesta120282 for the interesting article

you know that i am a medical student so science is interesting subject for me and you sharing a valuable post about i like your post again... thanks for sharing this good thinking post...

OMG!! I did not think it was possible

Now the only thing that can stop human cloning is government regulation. Will that be enough? ...There probably are already cloned humans in existence, created on the DL.

wow , amazing monkey . i like it . great sharing @lndesta120282

I hope this will mean a further progress to stop some serious desises like cancer or AIDS, keep up scientists πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Interesting work. I wonder if these cloned monkeys will live a normal life span as Telomere length models of aging predict that the nuclear-transfer-derived animal would reach a critical telomere length sooner than a non cloned animals.

The results of this cloning look funny. They are really funny. But, whether the conclusions of this invention will be applied to humans?

My decision to follow you wasn't a mistake. You drop really interesting and informative articles. Nice one on this cloning piece.

I think that it can be the same as with atomic bomb. We are happy about our scientific progress, but at that time we are unaware the consequences

in brazil there was a dolly experiment cloning .

From 1996 to 2018 it’s a long gap from Dolly to Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua and yet this is technologicall breakthrough that must be appreciated regardless the time had taken to achieve this it’s still a novelty ! Besides we share more then 90% of our DNA with primates, meaning this endeavour could soon be having medical applications for humans !!!

Dolly now has younger ones lol. Happy the way technology is growing, it is an awesome adjustment. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing new thing on steemit i like your post dear I always wait for your awesome posts KEep it up and I wish you all the best

Thanks for sharing new thing on steemit i like your post dear I always wait for your awesome posts KEep it up and I wish you all the best

Good post :) I really like your posts, keep the spirit and be the best

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hmmm... Not so sure about all this, I guess it can be justified in the progress of medicine, but then where does it end.@indesta120282

I also am aware that we may have said the same about organ transplants and even technology, which has over the years proved to be invaluable in saving lives, so it brings me to the conclusion that maybe this could be seen as the same thing, and each new generation tends to place less and less ethical importance on progress, whether this is good or bad.

I guess time will tell.

Cloning has huge potential, if nurtured carefully. I am however, a bit disappointed to remember that Dolly episode was 20 years ago. Looking back, I would have expected more things to emerge sooner.

Its amazing ,, thanks for this information. this is one of the most valuable actions of saving God's creation. sharing this information is a one action for our participation and to respond our experts and environmentalists to work one hand with other rare animals.

Haha so funny monkeys and good information nice keep it up

So this is the new Doli sheep, interesting

The subject of cloning is not easy, despite what it offers to mankind

When I saw this news on TV, I could only think one thing, "Humanity has no moral" come to that thought because lately I've seen a lot that science is trying to play God, I do not deny that the cloning initiative is good because organ transplantation (with this theory presented this project) but we know that they do not just for that, every day we see more that intention to want to create artificial life just by feeling Gods. And I am a science student and I see a lot of that in my days.

So what if we're playing god? Someone has to look after humanity seeing as it's not being taken care of by this so-called 'god'.

I would like to ask a question on your comment "What if we are playing God?"
Are cloned animals or living organisms less valuable, is it okay to do experiments. How Much Does It Help Us in Science? How does it help us to care for humanity?
Can you please give me some explanation.
I think this is a very slippery area and we need to approach it very carefully.

Cloned organisms aren't less valuable, but they are more useful. Many research techniques work much better with cloning not to mention that fulll-organism cloning is a useful stepping stone for learning to clone organs. So yeah it kind of 'helps science' shitloads. It helps care for people who lose organs, have cancer, get nerve damage etc etc. I really don't need to explain this.

Any man and his donkey can criticize cloning, instead of criticizing first then asking someone else to explain it to you why don't people either a) trust scientists or b) figure it out themselves. It's really not that complex.

"Cloned organisms aren't less valuable, but they are more useful" .....
So we're talking about research on cloned organisms. we cloned the organism, the organism is healthy, perfect, but we do experiment and research on it. "Cloned organisms aren't less valuable, but they are more useful". Ok, Thanks for the explanation.
I would not put the cloning of organs and organisms at the same. Cloning of organs can be great help for humanity and I agree with that.
As I said, it's a very slippery terrain. But after all, cloning is not my profession.
I did not criticize I just said my humble opinion, no hard feelings.
Believe scientists .... it's no problem to believe scientists, but let's be realistic, science can be used for good and for bad purposes (I think there is no need for examples). best regards

This is too much. i don't support cloning

Really amazing

Interesting... however this kind of research is good only and only if the resources and efforts are eventually directed towards-
-Finding a cure for congenital diseases like lepus etc..
-How to reduce inborn hormonal imbalances that leads to conditions like obesity etc..

Waow amazing the monkey.great like it

We humans should respect nature.. Working against nature will b harmful for we humans... Totally wrong move by china...@Indesta120282 this is not indeed a good news..

I still have very mixed feelings about this advancement. Yes, it will help humans, but at what cost? It's akin to being born in captivity for the sole purpose of being a test subject for another species. Even though I acknowledge this being a medical feat, my enslaved ancestors won't let me fully embrace owning/testing/outright controlling another living being. It's just not right.

Great article @lndesta120282. Very interesting and a little worrying... We are going along at such a fast pace as a race, but it is so important to think things through and think about the long term, as well as ethical considerations. Food for thought. I have followed you and look forward to more great content.

Good: Cloning food for the hungry

Bad: Supporters of Eugenics dreamt of this day

yes.. this technology is some what great . I liked to fantasize things about the cloning who can this be great but how much I thought about it. It never ended in good way I mean that it always had the drastic effects. Cloning of primates might be a extent to humans but Lets hope it wont happen and as far as cloning of animals is concerned .. its oky I guess

The people worried about this type of thing are the same that think GMOs are dangerous imo

Will GOD survive science in the next 15 - 20 yrs. Cloning has a lot of benefits like replaceable organs from replicas and for finding great cures. But for sure this will pose a threat to the beliefs of the religious communities. With the rate at which technology is moving. I don't think GOD will survive science much longer

Great post @indesta120282. Today I also wrote about it. Let see how cloning can be benficial for humans.

Great post! Thanks for the information. I believe that China is the only place on Earth that legally allows the cloning of primates. Does anyone know if this is true? I know that South Korea runs one of the top labs internationally that deals with cloning research on mammals and even specializes in cloning pet dogs. This lab was also heading research on the possible cloning of extinct Mammoths a few years back.

Cloning made a reality is a huge step for science and human race, it would bring a big progress to medicine. What special opportunity do you think this discovery would bring for personal life? Thanks

After finding this news and reading the original journal paper, few things came to my mind:

Accordingly to the summary of published report in the journal Cell [1], authors say β€œWe found that Injection of H3K9me3 demethylase Kdm4d mRNA and treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A at one-cell stage following SCNT greatly improved blastocyst development and pregnancy rate of transplanted SCNT embryos in surrogate monkeys. For SCNT using fetal monkey fibroblasts, 6 pregnancies were confirmed in 21 surrogates and yielded 2 healthy babies.”

Genetic analysis was done to confirm the origin of monkey from the original donor cell and egg of monkey.

Some Interesting Statistics:

In this study, total of 63 female monkeys were used as test surrogates. Out of 63 surrogates receiving SCNT embryos, only 28 became pregnant (44.5% success rate). Out of 28 pregnancies, only 4 resulted in live births, where only 2 offspring survived. That is only a 7.1% success rate within the sample and 3.17% success rate in the whole population of 63 female monkeys used as test surrogates. In other words, the way this study was designed, the overall SCNT success rate was only 3.17%!

Ethical issues:

It would be almost impossible to do this kind of study (N = 63 total monkeys) in the U.S due to ethical issues. There are several viable alternatives to using monkeys for SCNT research. It may be simply that doing research on monkeys is easier in China and do not require stringent approval and justification. Moreover, since the SCNT embryo transferring method works on monkeys, it will likely work on humans too! Will it ever be tested on humans?

Please share your thoughts.


A very interesting and useful post. Send regards for success @lndesta120282