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RE: [Gaming] Far Cry 5 the hottest game since Fortnite?

in #gaming7 years ago

Basically, Far Cry 5: The Redneck Edition. lol

FC 3 was definitely epic. It was one of those games that didn't need a "gaming rig" kinda machine to be played decently, while having gameplay that almost surpassed most of the modern ones'.

There's a trick to finishing Far Cry 4 in 20 minutes apparently. You just gotta wait until the main "enemy" dude is back and the game's done. Maybe use that if you'd like to get your hands on FC 5 and quickly get done with FC 4! :P

Personally, I can't wait to upgrade my PC to get it to a 'gaming' level. Currently, it's only got a half-decent RAM and a total crappy graphics card.

So many games on my To Play Game list man.