Figure 4 the King in playing cards game

in #game7 years ago

In playing cards there are four types of cards which have images on the cards. These are the cards jack, queen, king, and joker. 4 the special card type given the image because the cards had a history of each and every card in the symbolic of famous people from around the world.
A. I will be commenting on KING in this trit

✓king spade

King Spade, representing David/King David

King David, son of Jesse and a descendant of Ruth, in a war against the Palestinian people, King David became a war hero with a slew Jalut and became King of Israel after the death of the King of the Lut. King David was a Prophet, King, and also the strong and wise Musicians in organizing the tribes of Israel, forging them into a unified State.King David is also the person who founded the temple/Baitul Muqaddis completed by his son Solomon Solomon. King David died at the age of 100 years and was succeeded by Solomon at. King David seems like is a term from the Prophet David, but that in the mentioned above with the title of Prophet is a prophet David, not King David

✓king hearts

King of Heart, symbolizing on Charlemagne

Charlemagne was one of the most influential Kings in the middle ages. In his day, everyone believed that only king Arthur that legendarislah can disaingkan with Charlegmane as an example of King Christian the best of all time. Charlemagne was King of the Franks from 768 until the House of 814 and the Lombards from 774 until 814. He was crowned Imperator Augustus in Rome on Christmas day the year 800 by Pope Leo III, and therefore considered to be the founder of the Holy Roman Empire (with the title of Karel I). Through conquest and defence, he solidified his power and expand to include most of Western Europe. He is often considered a founding father of France and Germany, even as the founding father of Europe. He was the first emperor in the West since the collapse of the Roman Empire. Charlemagne died when a snowy winter in Aachen because of high fever.

✓King Club

King Club Symbolise on Alexander TheGreat/Iskandar Agung

Alexander the Great was a Macedonian origin conquerors. He is recognized as one of the most genius military leader of all time. He also became the inspiration for the conquerors like Hannibal, Pompey and Caesar of the Roman, and Napoleon. In his brief reign, Alexander was able to make Macedonia as one of the greatest empire in the world. While in Babylon, Alexander is suddenly exposed to the terminally ill and had a fever for the past 11 days earlier died on June 10, 323 BC, at the age of about 33 years. The real cause of death is not clear. After the death of Alexander, the absence of heirs to cause divisions and clashes between the soldiers. Finally, after many many many many disputes, around the year 300 BC, the power of the former empire of Alexander was divided into 4 regions each controlled by one of the generals of Alexander.

✓King Diamond

King Diamond Symbolize on Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman politician and military leader that his power against the Gallic Roman world to expand Comata Oceanus Atlanticus, Roman attacks first to Britain, and introduced Roman influence against the Gaul (now France), a direct result of the achievements are still visible to this day. Julius Caesar fought and won a civil war making it the greatest ruler of the Roman world, and began a massive reform on society and the Roman Government. He became dictator for life, and concentrated more Government weakened in the Republic. Caesar died on March 15, 44 BC a result was stabbed to death by his right hand, Marcus Junius Brutus and several other Roman senators. Action against it on the day of the assassination of Idi March becomes a trigger for the second civil war be the end of the Roman Republic and early Roman Empire under the rule of his adopted son and grandsons, the Emperor Augustus.