Someone from your community has created a video that alters my epic battle banter and makes me sound like a total nerd!
While he perfectly captured my jedi-knight-meets-the-matrix back bend, I would never talk about banking in the middle of a battle.
I agree that the central banking system is crumbling, and as many of you know, the Rebel Alliance runs all of their finances through de-centralized, untraceable cryptocurrency. However, a one-on-one battle is not the place for this kind of discussion!
Can you imagine if my last words were about central banking vs. crypto? On top of never marrying, and living alone for the majority of my adult life, they would also talk about my apparent fascination with galactic finance!
actually been a victim of real fake news.The bright side is that now I can say that, unlike my father @lordvader, I have
@investing, at first I was angry, but now you have given me a one-up on my father!
If being a jedi means becoming a hermit, does being a hermit give me an exemption to become a jedi?
How could your father @lordvader ever be a victim?
Beats me, but he sure likes to whine like one! It must be hard to be the bazillionaire leader of the most powerful government in the galaxy, but he still cries about fake news?!?